
I'm enjoying how this get's closer and closer to the show being about Morty maturing into a realist without losing a sense of morality Rick doesn't have. I still think the show ends with Morty 'beating' Rick in the sense that he manages to move on and become a more complete person and better for the multiverse as a

Will be expecting full theories explaining how a random mummer and gold cloak are actually the same person. But does this justify sharing clips from the Kevin Eldon show?

I'll agree that the WotTQ is by far the most interesting part of the show. It could see the two story lines coming together, acting like the white walkers are essentially solved until someone breaks faith thinking they could get the upper hand and that's how the white walkers push for a win.

In response to the question I was fully hoping that this would be the end for Drogon. If think there needs to be a sense of weakness and consequence for Danny and her dragons. I was initially disappointed about the apparent lack of reaction to a bolt (the same way nothing much came of the injuries he sustained in the

"Did you forget I was good a boats? Because I'm actually really good at boats." I had forgotten and it was nice to see his elevation into credible threat.

Super skeptical about those comedy villain side kicks being a good addition. Yes the show has had similar characters before but there's something deeply off about how they're either written or preformed in the trailer. It's worrying because it's a kind of humor/ delivery that feels inconsistent with the rest of the

So does this show still fall into the Fuller Verse? Because I don't recognize anyone other than Kristin Chenoweth, and she's not explicitly the same character.
Then again they also don't explicitly say she's not the same character…

How do people think the show would be remembered had it ended with everything but the final shot of the reichenbach fall?