
Agreed, I think a electric pressure cooker is certainly the best rice cooker as well, especially if you are doing something like cargo rice or brown rice which requires much longer to cook in a pan but only a hand full of minutes more in a pressure cooker. Just make sure you dont do spaghetti sauce from scratch in it

Agreed, I think a electric pressure cooker is certainly the best rice cooker as well, especially if you are doing

Guess its not actually starting today because I just updated my app and the multi destination function is not there.

I bet many of those cars belong to students from China. This is pretty common with Chinese students in America to splurge on an expensive car since they are so much cheaper here than in China because of import taxes and such.

Thats the same reaction I had the first time I saw one. Modern Pontiac Aztec.

I used to have Elemental Gearbolt, that was a fun game. I would play with a turbo controller that had the switch weapon button constantly cycling and the fire button blasting away and like that you could lay unholy fire downrange and easily beat the game on any difficulty with insanely high scores.

I have a Xiao Mi Mi Band and it does this too, its a wonderful way to wake you up and not everyone else because im the type that has to set 4:30, 4:32, 4:34 alarms to force myself up. One great perk of the Mi Band though is it’s battery easily last well over a month between charges, but it doesnt have a screen so no

Nope your wrong. The Panamera is ugly.

Came here to make sure Peppa Pig was on this list. My 3 year old cant get enough of it, I have seen ever episode at least a million times, and read all the books to her enough times that I can almost do it from memory.

So all the DS Citroens in China before, with the DS logo on them, were actually just Citroens and Citoren has spun the brand off as its own sub brand now?

They had DS badges on them since then though. A couple years ago a friend and I test drove one while he was car hunting.

The DS line of cars have been in China much longer than just this year. I think they were released in China in 2010 or 2011.

This happened in Chonqing where I used to live. Not surprising at all. Once saw a Pagani Zonda sliding all over the road.

I have had my eye on this phone for a couple weeks now. $349 for 32 gb and 399 for 64 gb are the normal price for this one Amazon. No sale here.

I have had my eye on this phone for a couple weeks now. $349 for 32 gb and 399 for 64 gb are the normal price for

Oh god yes. I have a stock 1990 2.2 manual Accord right now. Tight as a drum at 158k and 32 mpg freeway. I have thought about replacing it and test drove a few cars including a 2015 MT Dodge Dart 2.4T and it was incredible...I hated the Dart. It felt numb, slow, tall and nasty inside and after about 3 miles of test

After years of driving autos and never getting the hang of a stick I was very intimidated when I was given a Honda Accord manual. I needed the car but knew I was in deep. After finding an empty road and a big hill I was able to make progress. Yesterday I went car shopping for a Fiat 500 Abarth manual. I have seen the

There has never been a more appropriate time to use this image.

It is. They get a kick out of it.

As someone who lived in China for 11 years I can honestly say....no. Not at all.

Absolutely. Artillery pointed at Seoul is more than enough to be brash with.