
So they basically threw out everything from the franchise and made The Witcher 3 in Greece. Okay thats an awesome idea and I love it. Carry on Ubisoft.

That’s insane. What kind of magical super-mcguffin could possible do that? I mean, it’s not like this all went down because of the Magical McGuffin Mitten in the first place ;)

Guys, I think something happens in 4vengers that might bring back the Guardians, Spiderman, and Black Panther. I know, I know, that’s crazy talk but I just have this.. suspicion? Premonition? Gut feeling? Eh, maybe it’s just gas.

I wish we had seen the avengers react to Rocket appearing. Loved the “I am Groot/ I Am Steve Rogers” exchange.

Red Skull was the biggest surprise in that movie for me.

I saw the movie last night specifically so that I could resume using the internet.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is my favorite Marvel movie and in my opinion, the best of the bunch. I thought it’s version Batroc was really well done.

He’ll be writing articles by the end of next week.

None. The movie was a soul-less uninhibited cash grab celebration of commercialism that took all enjoyment out of seeing any cool items on screen.

Well, this argument has convinced me to not watch it. I may even burn my copies of the Sagan original because of it.

Yeah, but this time, there will be a REALLY big one. Like the biggest we ever saw. In fact, it will be TWO, a T-Rex standing on another T-Rex’s shoulders, with a circus tent draped over them in a sort of inverted, “midgets in a coat” trope. The top T-Rex will be genetically engineered to look like she is wearing a

Fuuuckkkkkk that. And fuck you for even suggesting it. Why do nazis always get a pass for their violence? When can we look at a monstrous, sociopathic movement and not judge it for what it truly is?

It’s because conservatives have been so effective in convincing Americans than public health care is for Communists.

You are a pathetic individual.

Came here expecting Jessica Drew at #1. Wasn’t disappointed.

Peter wouldn’t mind Miles being put before him on the list.

Despite having a nearly incoherent kudzu plot and more anime cliches than you can shake a pretty boy at, I still find this series incredibly fun and charming. Better go get a ticket for the hype train.

Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

I may get roundly torn apart by the wolves here, but I’m getting a bit fed up of the Stan Lee cameos. I don’t mind them being a mid-credits stinger, but they just jar me out of my suspension of disbelief when they’re so blatant in the middle of a film.