Matt Smith

More than likely this is part of the real reason David and Torch left.

Glad to see there is still no editing or proofreading being done before publishing articles at Jalopnik.

Seemed like they were just good old boys and never meaning no harm.

“I suck at driving!

In a similar vain, the thought of being able cruise across the country in a C2 500 miles at a time has me over here like:

I can’t tell if saying GM would get back to being its old self was meant as a good thing.

So to clarify, you are calling the black officer with the body cam a member of the KKK?

When it comes to the article above, I always reserve judgment until the facts become clear, so this is a direct response to your comment and not anything to do with the article.

How would we know.  Jalops don’t buy new cars we just comment on them.

Although does it really count as engagement if half the time you can’t find the comment or response since the system works so shittily?


It’s not a review, it’s a setup to write the last three paragraphs about why America is Bad

Would in their right mind would subject themselves to 400k miles in a fucking Jeep Liberty?

Is it just me, or does this look more like a Diablo? 

Both sentiments are stupid. Criminal misuse of a product does not negate someone’s right to use it for legitimate means, nor does it obligate the manufacturer toward anything. Illegal street racing or ramming protestors with vehicles shouldn’t be blamed on a car or carmaker any more than a nutcase shooting up a movie

Fun trivia fact: You can fit the cities proper of San Fran, Atlanta, and Manhattan inside of the geographical boundaries of Detroit.

Start a rumour that feral hog meat will give you a stiffy that last all day. Charge a lot for it. Set up smuggling routes.

The algorithm have blessed you, today you can keep your job, praise be!



No, she’s straight to onlyfans.