
The CBS version of Mycfoft is a niggler for me - canonical Mycroft is the more intelligent of the Holmes brothers. His is part of govtthe govt. The CBS version portrayed by (the delightful) Rhys Ifans is just not a Mycroft, but an older brother who is a restaraunter.

For me, it's about Holmes and Watson. And it's the BBC that has given me Those two characters, not CBS.

Personally, I'd prioritize POI over Elementary, though both are fine shows and high quality a la Good Wife.

Wow. I do not know what to say to someone who bashed thebGranada/Brett series AND praises CBS version of Mycroft…

"…they're so normal."

I think it's that Sherlock fancies himself a high-functioning sociopath. So it is unsurprising that it's contextually juvenile.