
How else will they tell their white readers that they are good people even though they do and say nothing while the government puts its white hood back on and terrorizes brown and black people.

Now playing

This is KANYE(!!) in 2005 talking about homophobia in hip hop. That’s a little after MA started issuing gay marriage licenses and southern states began passing constitutional amendments to deny the right to marry to LGBTQ people.

He’s moving his rhetoric from light skin to dark skin. This is a severe escalation of threat to white folk.

I think MSNBC would be perfectly happy with another high ratings war. Just another cog in the American war machine.

The UK is more than willing to tag along. They’re nostalgic for the gold old days of terrorizing black and brown people across the world in the name of christ.

Is there a difference? The US, Israel and Saudi Arabia have been working together to start this war for a long time. No difference who’s doing the grunt work.

Exactly this. Thank you.

You know what’s amazing? The fact that the white media still publishes what the US government says as if they have any credibility. There’s zero reason to believe anything coming out of the mouths of our military or intelligence when it comes to the middle east.

White people are so fucking dumb. Iranians can bring the oil trade to a halt using those pleasure craft and their allies in the Middle East and there’s very little the US military can do to stop them.

There’s crazy levels of victim blaming here. What the hell is wrong with y’all?

Reminds me of a crazy story:

Why aren’t there more stars here?!

I want to look up if the CKKKD has ever done a raid on a white person’s home after an anonymous gun tip, but I already know the answer.

I can’t wait till these guys become mass shooters and the press keeps ignoring the fact that whiteness and misogyny is the major connection between all those psychos.

This is the problem with blogs like this. You only care about the disenfranchised in society, and never care for people like Ben Roethlisberge.

I keep telling my Iranian people that we aren’t white. They don’t think of us as “good immigrants.” They banned us from entering the country and the next inevitable step is putting us in concentration camps just like they do with brown asylum seekers south of the border.

Thank you for this piece. I’ve been arguing that Caucasian, affluent and degree holding but uneducated women started the anti-vaxxer movement so they could be victims and pretend that they have struggles in their life It’s part of white people’s eternal victim complex.

It’s good to be white. All you have to do for a clean slate is to delete your racism.txt and homophobia.txt. No need for actual contrition or apologies.

In America, this counts as a win.

This guy is a psychopath (and doesn’t exist). He could have forgiven him and had a good friend with a lot in common to chat about (if any of this was real). Instead he spent all that time obsessing over a stupid revenge plan, while ruining his own movie experience (why do people believe reddit stories?).