Aviva Rosenthal

My mom was CONSTANTLY going through my stuff as a teen. When she found something she would place the evidence (printed emails, notes from friends, pot, a tiny vodka bottle) neatly at the end of my bed and clean my usually disgusting bedroom. Then she would sit in a certain chair just past my bedroom with her hands in

Once, my mom and dad told us they were giving us the house for the weekend while they were taking a cruise. I was 18 and I was going to have friends over. It was going to be a fantastic weekend!

This makes me irrationally angry. My husband has been a professional driver since 97 and takes great pride in it. He thinks there need to be more women in the industry because they are more detail oriented and safety conscious. Shit like this makes the industry look worse than many think it is (oh god the classist

It sounds like two separate slang terms that are being conflated. Maybe VF and HP were just excited because they heard a slang word used in a different context and they thought they might know what it meant.


See, this is confusing to me because we said “fuckboy” in college—I’m an Old, suuuper White and went to a very White school. We used it as one would use “donor”, “slam piece” or “dial-a-dick”. A fuckboy was someone you would do it with but who enjoyed no other place in your life or perhaps even your social circle. I

Not to excuse or downplay sexism in Tech or Finance, but these are the kinds of stories I really, REALLY would like to see more of in women’s spaces and for feminists to grapple with. I get that its hard being a woman making $100k a year in a job where a man makes $129k, and that it really sucks when some bros want to

I’m a rape crisis counselor in the west and I have had more than my fair share of trucking cases. Women raped by the men who are supposed to be training them, women drugged and raped by fellow truckers at truck stops, women raped while sleeping in the cabs... It happens all the time. I’m so glad to see someone is

There’s a fairly simple solution to this type of problem. Hire a few fake trainees to ride with trainers. Let trainers know that this could be happening and fire trainers who don’t know how to act like something other than pigs.

My entire aesthetic could be described as “poor man’s olsen twin”

IDK. It is my experience that weed doesn’t normally make you want to kill off all your characters. #teamcocaine

Yeah, that’s been my experience as well (hell, my MIL was super impressed because my husband was there for my C-section, while I was the one actually BEING OPERATED ON). It just irritates me, not because I don’t think he’s a good father, but because they’ve never called me a good mother, or even said anything positive

I am a male ally for feminism. Jezebel played a part in making that happen.

Madeleine, I wish you’d expand on the whole teen consent/statutory rape angle. I keep seeing glowing reviews that seem to dance around it, but it’s obviously pretty central to the story. The reviews are all like oh yeah, that’s there but it’s not a problem but why isn’t it a problem?

That’s one of the reasons I read a great many YA novels....

You can’t see anything if you shut your eyes then cover them with your hands and shove your entire head deep into your own ass.

Write it anyway. During my BFA I had several several professors talk about pseudonyms, if the work is too personal to use your last name, change it. If you’re a woman, have a male moniker in your mind and ready to place on the right manuscript. I have a very white macho man’s man name ready for when my book is done.

Every time I hear about “present exactly the same person/work but trick the decision-maker into believing the person is male (/white/able-bodied/straight)” experiments I want to scream and shove it in everyone’s faces. People spend so much time and energy saying “women (/PoC/etc) just don’t try as hard / don’t care as

I write under male-sounding names online, and I have mixed feelings about it. Is it easier? Fuck yes. Does it make me angry how much easier it is? Fuck yes.

I knew we were soulmates. I lusted after James Spader as an arrogant jerk in EVERY SINGLE 80s/90s film he was ever in forevah!