
@kojirodensetsu: Reach incorporates new class types in certain games. Some are a shield power (you stay still and incapsulate yourself in a shield, but can't move), jetpack, stealth camo, scout (you can run like in MW games), and a doppleganger kind of class (you create a double image of yourself).

@bonzzi: Probably why Bungie is heading out to start a new IP. Sure, Halo was great in the spotlight, but that light is beginning to fade. I am really enjoying Reach, but I definitely think it's time for Bungie to try something new. And I'm looking forward to whatever that will be.

@getlefty: Ah ok, my brother was mistaken then. Those class types are alone worth it.

@TheTonyShow: There might be hardcore fans even after the release of this that may want the original. But usually they want it shrink wrapped and never opened. So I donno. But considering it's still on Amazon (greatest hits version), it's very unlikely for many years.

@archronos: I have to admit, as one who hasn't enjoyed Halo games since Halo 2, this games multi (haven't played single throughly yet) is addicting as hell. I love the customization and being able to buy other parts of armor with the points, and the game modes rock, one being SWAT. Also, the character classes are

@Clawsy: Until an actual good, PS3 sequel comes out. Which seems like it'll be released when FF7 remake will be. Which is never.

@SycoJack: I guess some are run differently. I honestly don't remember the last time they didn't ask if I wanted the guide. And this goes back to even SNES games, where I'd actually get guides with some games, like Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, etc..

This is a cheap ass move on MS. They could have given this model a hard drive to begin with, maybe around 50GB, but I can see they're just using it to rake in potential Kinect users and what not, and then screw them over. I was considering buying this because I don't even use that much space on my current Xbox

@Pojodin: Ahhh that took me back. I wish I was a child again

That's a lot of gulps

@Krakenstein: Then we go back in time, implement current technology, and advance ourselves even more. Booyah.

@Mancubus: It's near impossible for me to detect the CGI in JP or Last Samurai. The first Matrix was almost perfect, but they just had to screw it up with the stupid sequels. Not saying I didn't enjoy them, but the quality definitely plunged.

@snowman6251: This kind of stuff has happened in cinema before, and Bioshock would be a great movie to incorporate it again. This is a weak example (though I enjoyed the movie myself), but the movie Wanted had that in its plot, though not as powerful as Bioshocks story.

@Klucidity: It's a DSi XL, but yeah I also thought it was a dumb iPad. First thing to kill that idea was the camera on the back :P

@mdo7: The funny thing is there's probably more PS3 owners in Japan than Xbox 360s. I wonder if the uncensorship is because of 360 being American.

@Mamba the Madvillain: I replay Uncharted 2 a lot myself. It's such a well made game. There's a part that always comes back to me, which is when you fight those two or three big armored fellows near the trainwreck. There was always a different way to approach them, and I would actually not be pissed off at dying

@KilgoreTrout_XL: There's different methodologies for reading though. Since there's millions of authors out there, there's a magnum opus for each of them. That's a lot of books. One person can really love an author and read many of her/his books including the magnum opus for them, but will miss out on someone

I never beat any of the Halo games, except 1 I think. This though, I'd like to play and beat. Because it'll be somewhat of a tragedy. And tragedies always have a better ending.

Don't really care for looks currently. I just want the damn dashboard to be faster.