
Price point is great, but I'm not about to fully replace my AMD board, GPU, and CPU to take advantage of this.

@CCAF drlard: At least your alive, if you were involved in the accident I mean.

@TC-man: You bring a great point. I forgot that they could censor TV too. But video games I'd say are almost equivalent to a DVD of Gantz, since you take it home to your private quarters/living space. This doesn't surprise me though, I've heard that their versions of games, like Ninja Gaiden for PS3/Xbox360

One word. Gantz. So, wtf Japan?

@BeerManMike: I stopped awhile ago myself. I donno why. I loved the first two, but it started dragging after for me. Every time I see this game's title, I keep thinking it's a HD version of the first four games packaged in one. Ughh, it'd be so awesome. Ah well, one can dream.

Donated. Hope the child grows up knowing how much of a hero its dad was, and has great aspirations for the future.

@ryoshi: Like.. Suikoden 2?

@One Man Freak Show: It was a great system for RPGs. If you weren't into RPGs, then it would definitely be a bit harder to like the console.

@NeöStarr: I donno. I've played a few games where a team mate was almost knocked out and we still managed to pull through by countering the attack and moving the almost dead team mate to make another base elsewhere. It's a lot of fun most of the time, especially the crazy intense battles. Rarely have we been

@I'm leaving a: That's kind of stretching it. I've gone to Newegg and started putting together some parts and already with the case, processor, hard drive, motherboard, powersupply, and RAM it's already 432 dollars. Still need a graphics card too and possibly a cd drive. It might be possible, but it'll be very

@arionfrost: If you know anyone personally, pair up with them and play 2v2, or if you know 2 others well, do 3v3. They're really fun when you play with people you know, and not random torrent users.

@arionfrost: @NeöStarr: I wouldn't say it's all about 1v1. 2v2 and 3v3 is actually quite challenging when you hit the big leagues. My friends and I always group up and take on the other 3 or 2 players and it's always fun and very strategic.

@Rickyraws: Seriously, it's ok. I bought the latest SOCOM before reviews came out of how terrible it was (big fan of 1 and 2). I still have it gathering dust and a deep resentment sparks when I lay eyes on it.

@EroThraX: @KesMonkey: Lame. Guess I'll get it when it's on sale later

Is this gonna be free for current BFBC2 owners? Or are we buying this separately. Not interested if I gotta buy it, since I have other games lined up to play.

@ryoshi: It's really too bad there aren't stricter laws. I always thought that the driving age limit should be moved to around 18 or older, since so many 16 year olds are in need of more maturing. But unfortunately, in the U.S. at least, every place you go is pretty far away and a car is almost always necessary