
@SharkBaitFrog: What I really like about WaW was how you can use sniper rifles without scopes. And you can use bayonets. I had tons of fun with that game, as I did with Modern Warfare 1+2.

@Baboonski: I approve of this statement

@ArmoredCavalry: They definitely will start charging, but I'm sure they won't release them for awhile (like they did for MW2). I'm considering the preorder for CoD, just cause I always have a crapload of fun with those games til they get old some months later.

@kyzur: I played Wing Commander 4 or something for PSone (so many discs!! But Mark Hamill ftw), but I remember that there was a button for autopilot when landing. Maybe that was in 2 also?

@Twyst3d: I'm just hoping one day that GoG releases a Quest for Glory combo pack. They've already finished Space Quest, and some of King's Quest, but Quest for Glory is definitely a nail they still have to hammer down.

@Firelance: They didn't say they're looking to blame the game, just trying to find out if it contributed to him committing such a crime. I don't know much of the case after the article, but I'd definitely say there was something wrong in his head. He allowed himself to kill a disabled girl of all people.

@Mindtaker: I am the most flew-ent in Ai-tailian

This has massive potential to be a great box office hit. Red Dead Redemption had a great story in it, and if you hack off the "side quests" and just integrate the captures/assassinations of the men Marston was after, I think it'll make big. I just really hope they don't treat the script as a video game and actually

@shkm: It's a personal opinion, I'm not necessarily saying that's why people should like him.

@Archaotic: Katarn is my favorite SW character. Now I need to figure out how to run Steams version of Dark Forces 2 without the graphics crapping on me.

@edb87: I'm not that witty :'(

This is a day one purchase for me. Ed Boon is a legend in my book and is from the same city as me, along with being an alumni from my university. I'm sure this will be a big comeback for Mortal Kombat.

@Chris Newby: I don't see how. I liked the original and it's pretty long in my opinion.

I want, but I also must beat the first one still. Gotta find all those orphans after work..

Having a mini LAN party (minus the LAN) at a friends with SCII. And drinking tequila while doing so. Then hitting a overnight sushi bar for a midnight feast. Wish us luck.

@EricDaNerd: I was so amazed when I found out you could flip it. I kept flipping it because it sounded and looked cool