
@Koda89: That wouldn't be a bad idea at all. Now, they just need to talk to some producers...

@Koda89: I loved that series, though I haven't watched all of it lol. The reverse blade sword was definitely an awesome weapon in my book!

@Archaotic: Kojima needs to come back from the Z.O.E. hiatus, and then maybe come back to Metal Gear. I couldn't finish Peace Maker because I'm a bit fed up with the story, and have no drive or interest anymore (for the mean time). I loved MGS 1-4, but please for the love of Orbital Frames make a new Z.O.E. game!

@Shinta: Or switch your high-freq blade to blunt mode :P

@Interstella5555: Maybe it's time for that to happen? I feel a lot of gamers have been desensitized to game violence.

The bear necessities of life will come to you

@gurfinki: But then how would I charge my controllers! :'(

@ShadowflareXIII: It's gonna be a turn-based RPG, such as the old Final Fantasys or Earthbound.

@jezz.torrent: It's a bit more "realistic" I think if you have those back to back stealth kills. But it is kind of annoying when you get stealth killed from behind. You just need to be more careful as to when you use them, and decide if just using the gun would be more efficient (if there are more than one enemy in

@JFlores: @ElephantFace: A good point, but I don't see any other game where you can do the kill moves you just listed. It would be lots of fun if even just one of those moves were integrated. It's definitely a lot more creative than just whacking them in the back with a rifle butt.

I wish the space marine said something! "For thee EMPERORRRR"

@KingKirby: They are, but I add up how much i spend sometimes for a week or two on them and I frown lol

@KingKirby: I would wait until there's a deal for it. 10 bucks or under (I got it for 5 when Steam had a deal).

@fupa17: I use Chrome and it's been fine here. Maybe reinstall?

@Arctic16: Yeah, no problem. That laptop WAS good for games, but if you want hardcore gaming on the PC you need a tower. A good setup will last you at least 2 or 3 years I think, especially with the dominance of console gaming. But for the meantime, that fan thing will definitely work. Try to buy one that has two

Please don't confuse me and more of us who have probably been physically injured due to such a device :(

@Arctic16: Dang, if you feel like you can save money to buy a new laptop/computer I would do that instead. For an estimate, I bought mine for $900 tower without a monitor. You can get away with a $600 tower too. If you still feel laptops are better suited, invest in a good but cheap gaming laptop, like that

@SuicidalEarthworm: If you have a way of testing 3D gaming, I would do that first. Personally, I don't see 3D gaming getting big anytime soon, but I might be wrong. Do a bit more research before throwing in that wad of cash. You could use it for future purchases of technological delight, or for some awesome