
Does it come minus the death rings? Looks pretty sweet either way

@Lemstring: Nice, I haven't seen the one where the head takes over his body and the one where he gets chopped in half, samurai style. Still, I hope they don't reuse these in DS2.

Gr show an Issac death animation!

@Ursus-Veritas: I almost despise all sports here in the U.S., and not because of the actual sport. It's because of the overpaid players and coaches. Seriously, why the f do people who train and play sports need to be paid over $3 million a year? It makes people who really work sad (if they even think about it).

How about this? End MGS already. 4 would have been the perfect note to do it on but no, they keep pumping them out, and I keep freakin buying them. I'm forcing myself to play PW right now. Just make it stop, and work on ZOE again, pleeasseee

@RicketyCricket: I really hope that's the right number. We don't have much time, man!

@NightMystic: You make me feel like playing Fallout 1 again

@Burning: Nay. Preorder benefits are stupid.


Hey, at least PS3 has a variety to play instead of the same-old-shit Halo.

Jesus. Part of me wants Kung Lao's fatality to not be shown, and the other part wants to see it. "Satisfying cringes" will occur often..

@John DiGrazia: @mindsale: That's a good point John. Even though they recycled the voice actor, they still took time to record all those side missions with the young Marston.

@Xaxir: Same here. It definitely hit me more because it felt like John finally got what he was working for.

@mindsale: I think he aged only 4 year (16 to 20), but still, most people's voices change around then. It did annoy me, but I got over it. Maybe they'll make a patch one day when his voice matures lol.

@RedPirate: Yeah I see. My brother has a monitor with speaker but it also sucks. I'll just have to wait until I get a HDTV. I've been enjoying my PC games and coding anyways, and I just beat Red Dead on 360 a couple days ago.

@RedPirate: I guess there would be a way with a HDMI to DVI, but the sound is the problem. I'm more interested in hooking up my PS3 to my monitor, since my brother already has a plug for the 360 to convert to. The only problem is the sound source. Doesn't HDMI couple with sound also? I have a set of logitech