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    Gah. My kid has one of those too that he loves...into the garbage. Thanks for the comment I never thought of that.

    My best friend married her high school boyfriend and was just ready to start trying for kids...when she found out he was cheating on her. Finally at at 32 she's in a **fingers crossed** good relationship with the possiblity of kids. But even that part of the relationship is years off. She did it "right" and wants kids

    After Roger sees Don in the mirror I commented to my husband...is Don Roger's spirit animal?? haha

    Thank you! I love their top selection...I feel like I can never find cute tops for a reasonable price. Thanks for suggesting this, I've never heard of them!

    Aaaaand THIS is why my brother became born again. Guilt complex. Now he spends his time trying to make everyone else feel guilty! Aren't we all lucky...

    @solaana: My husband and I have been excitedly telling people about the Last Airbender forever. No one listens. That show is just unbelievably amazing. I'm currently pregnant and we're planning on buying the series on dvd for our kids so that we have an excuse to watch it all the time again too!

    @happysquid: William Sleator is STILL one of my all time favorite writers. His books made me the sci-fi and fantasy geek that I am today!

    @Charlene Darling: Haha, me too! I was born in '79, but was so obsessed with the Nickelodeon reruns, my mom took me to see them for my first concert in 4th grade. I was mortified when Micky Dolenze took a rag he used to wipe his face and threw it into the screaming fans...

    Whatever you do...DON'T make a super-secret club book that lists who you and your friends all like.

    My friend and I always called Peter Cetera "the karate kid guy". haha.

    I guess it's the same on the east coast then. I used to place designers around NYC, no one over 40 put the first 10 years on their resume. People know. No one is an Art Director at your first job out of college and now making 90K. And I had to discourage people from putting their pictures on their resume. Mostly

    For reals.

    Nothing really to add, just Meg Cabot rocks. : )