
The only thing I liked in this movie was Jake Johnson's character, who had more charm than Cruise's main character in the short twenty minutes that he is in the movie.

I gave up on Arrow after season 3. It honestly became a chore to keep up with it. The useless amped up drama, Oliver's increasing angst… Bleh.

See this is why I am liking AoS more than Flash these days. Secrets come out FAST. May was touched by a ghost? Everyone knew by the end of next episode. Aida is an android? BAM, Fitz and Jemma are in the know now. Compare that to Flash, where Wally's left sulking that he doesn't have powers while Caitlin is keeping

Cosima did say 'I've made a huge mistake' when she learnt about Gracie's betrayal.

Nemesi kinda sounds like a superhero name.

Which they should have done back in season 2 when Slade came back and terrorized the city. 'So now that this ordeal is over, how about we sit with a bottle of vodka and you can tell us all about your 5-year exile in case any of your past nemesis decides to show up with vengeance once again?'

That's one of my main complaints about the third movie. I was already skeptical when they changed the name from There and Back Again to Battle of The Five Armies, and I dunno, the whole film felt drawn out to me. Plus that weird traitor guy annoyed me to no end. Why in the world was he given so much screen time, I

Me and my friends went to see Transformers: Age of Extinction to make fun of it, but honestly, after laughing at the hundredth explosion and the boring dialogue I actually fell asleep toward the end fight between Optimus and Megatron. I had been awake the night before on account of my submissions, but that movie was

Man that was one weird apology. It was essentially 'sorry if anyone was offended by the tasteless remark about a fictional character but I was tired of all the promotions I've been doing'.

The hand wave he does is hilariously well-timed.

Yeah I love Conan but his interviews are getting a bit boring. I enjoy some of his non-interview segments like the Schlansky videos though.

The opening title cards have been amazing, and the one used in this episode is probably my favorite one of the season, the beautiful slo-mo shot of 'The World's greatest lawyer' mug crashing to pieces.

Yeah I like Lyla and Dig together. The whole thing with his sister-in-law back in season 1 always felt weird. That dinner scene where Oliver and Roy just show up at their door was heartwarming.

Now that Lyla has quit she seems to have become the kind of character that will either die to provide Diggle some angst or be put on a bus. I hope that I'm wrong, though.
And I never quite understood Waller's insistence for having Oliver work for ARGUS. Granted, he's a good fighter and all but the lengths to which

Diggle said that Lyla took their baby to her mother's place. Probably to get away from the fucked up city That SC is.

He probably thought that since Nacho doesn't want any problems, packing heat wouldn't be necessary. Don't bring a gun to a fist fight and all.

He didn't need a gun. Like he said, Nacho is dealing outside his crew. He wanted the deal to do down smoothly.

They have done Mahabharata on TV. Countless times. Including the most recent big budget attempt which was a melodramatic disaster. It has great potential, but unless they recognize it for the complex story that it is, it's going to be an eye-roll every time.

And now, the companion series: Fear The Walking Poop.