
American Idol did not employ them. At most they were independent contractors.

It's about confronting people who testify against the defendant, whether they're minors or not. http://www.ctnetworks.com/Attorneys/confrontationclause.htm Don't shoot the messenger who's just explaining the law.

Yes it does. http://www.ctnetworks.com/Attorneys/confrontationclause.htm

The Sixth Amendment provides for the right to confront one's accuser.

I feel blessed to have lived with and been close to many people over the years. I didn't need surveillance cameras to notice what people eat. I usually shared meals with them and hung out with them every day. For instance, my husband is overweight. He eats a lot of unhealthy snacks in large quantities. My brother was

I was quite beautiful in my younger days. It really bothered me that many people wouldn't see my other qualities and defined me by my looks. I remember campaigning hard (putting up posters, crafting a good speech, etc.) for a student govt. position in high school, and the advisor dismissing my efforts by telling me

Every single fat person I know well exercises less and eats more than every single thin person I know well. I know there are a small percentage of people with thyroid disorders and drug side effects that make them overweight, but most heavy people eat more and exercise less than average. Weight control isn't easy.

ONLY by society as a whole? This individual, like many other individuals I know, addresses her weight by walking two miles a day, practicing portion control, and eating junk food in very limited amounts. How about individuals taking some responsibility for their eating and exercise habits?

At least the grammatical errors meant the letter came from him rather than his P.R. firm.

Like Hillary, I worked fulltime as a lawyer with one kid. Not too difficult. Once I had two kids, things got more complicated and I went to parttime. Now I have three kids and work parttime. I believe it would be difficult if not impossible for both me and my lawyer husband to work fulltime attorney hours and do a

She showed them she was caucasian.