
didn’t respond to air traffic control for 30 minutes... lucky this didn’t happen in the USA or they might have had some fighter jets scrambling...

I thought they scramble the jets when pilots don’t respond...

I got something similar for my MIL’s car when she got Progressive car insurance. Supposedly it can tell if you are a “good driver” and lower your rate accordingly. It beeps at you once, twice or three times to indicate bad driving habits. By my estimation it gauges your driving through one method. How hard you stop.

It’s the device police track when Hertz reports rental vehicles stolen. 

um doing tourist things.. why do you ask?

Tracking device from the FBI. Where were you on 01/06?

Don’t worry about it, just ignore the black helicopters.

...but only for open practice.  There is a surcharge for qualifying and ticket prices double for race day.

No.  For $100, we can arrange for you to stand in a dumpster, somewhere in Las Vegas, and you might be able hear the cars. 

I’d be shocked if BMW is selling more M3s than X3Ms.

Key differences from the Kona N: this has AWD, a plug in hybrid option, probably rides softer, and likely has a few more options.

Laughs in $20k markup.

Harley v twin from the “loud pipes save lives crowd.” One continuous fart.

“Spicer says he doesn’t believe the people that participate in this kind of thing are bad people.”

They are unarmed screeners, probably earning a pittance. The required skillset is roughly that of a grocery store checkout employee. I can hardly blame them for nope-ing.

The TSA has been nothing more than security theater for their entire existence.

What an asshole. 

Everyone who missed a flight because of this guy should be allowed to line up and give him one good punch, anywhere they want. This kind of shit cannot be tolerated in our society anymore.

How in the fuck...