
More like 100% late 80s slash early 90s. .

As I was watching that scene I thought it simply highlighted Daniel's peculiar personality, whether those peculiarities be a result of his brain chemistry or his incarceration. But boShank's comment hit me light a golden light on a pecan grove. Of course Daniel wouldn't understand why anyone, especially an authority

Trey went to way too much trouble to cover up George's suicide. He told Daniel that he knows Daniel didn't rape Hannah because he and the boys had watched Daniel's humiliation then jumped in to satisfy poor Hannah after Daniel had worked her into a sexual frenzy. According to Trey, Hannah was begging for more,

Can someone explain to me why Matthew could interact with only a virtual desktop-size body of Greta's egg clone while Joe's egg clone was a fully realized man that could eat and drink and didn't appear to remember the subconscious nightmare of the surgery?

Or . . . when Martha was in Clark's building, Martha was happy. Happy Martha exudes sex appeal. Happy Martha doesn't look like dowdy Martha. They're completely different people. Landlord was just a man picking up on Martha's kama sutra energy.

Exactly. The juxtaposition showed how little he mattered in the grand scheme of Yonkers. He could've made himself useful - though to be fair his Wikipedia page says he practiced and taught law in the two years after his mayoral term (then again, wikipedia?) - he could've become a community organizer, lobbyist,

My theory is that either Alfred Molina studied hours of Donald Trump video or the Donald learned his willfully ignorant white guy bully schtick from Yonkers councilman slash mayor Hank Spallone.

Nick's fatal flaw wasn't his inability to withstand the viperous machinations of his fellow politicians, his tragedy was his total lack of core beliefs and self-awareness. All he ever wanted was to be mayor and he sailed into that office on the prevailing political winds. But why? For what purpose did he want to be

We never see delirious gravely/ wounded Elliot asking for his psychiatrist, we hear about that request at the same time semi-conscious /recovering Elliot does. I say it never happened, that the shrink is a government? corporate? hacker union? plant, spying on Elliot for his own good or for the greater good. Because

Didn't he sign the letter before he started talking? Will the debrief become a semantic loophole that ends in more ambiguity?

There's a word for men who sleep with the same woman, something fraternal and silly. Maybe more than one word. Urban dictionary gives two; Eskimo brothers and Wiener cousins. I wonder how that translates in Paulie.

Sheriff told the State Senator, former prosecutor who doesn't seem to understand the criminal definition of sodomy. The DA is the more intelligent character. A woman. Anyway, it had to happen. The Sheriff's promise is like Chekov's gun. If the promise wasn't relative to the story it wouldn't be there.

Where can I find Black Mirror? Already searched Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and iTunes. Please don't tell me I need to buy the DVD, I really don't want to go back to 2010 to find a DVD player.

Can someone explain why the enlightened Barry freed the one known terrorist and all the other criminals and political prisoners (shades of Paul Bremer sending Saddam's army home with their guns?) and executed the poor victimized husband without a trial? Bread and circuses, okay, but he could've found a way to at

A spy for whom, America? She's a doctor - a fact that for me requires yet another willful suspension of disbelief. That, and her utter ignorance about the politics and history of her husband's homeland and her inability to read a newspaper or listen to NPR are flimsy if not downright silly covers for an intelligence

I saw the opening sequence - armadillo trudging along and Joe speeding in his Porsche - as a completely different metaphor. The armadillo, a mammal with reptile-skin cowboy boots on its back, represents the tech industry in Texas circa 1981. Joe is the future of computing; sleek, fearless, and ready to change the

He's eccentric, creative and crazy, not violent.

And Leekie's first name is Aldous…

If the assignment was to set up a series of complex story-lines for the season while keeping us entertained, thinking and occasionally cracking up, then they hit all the marks. Why so stingy with the grade? Dewey's desperate request for a bucket was enough for me to give this episode an A.