Avery Winchester

He was definitely lying about the blood. I'm pretty sure Charlotte never even touched his body and Marney wasn't even there. It was malicious. He wants to continue to punish Charlotte I'm assuming because he's never liked her and she jeopardized his standing with his boss by getting him temporarily fired.

I still think Pastor Tim, however insightful he may seem is a huge self righteous asshole and I welcome any payback the Jennings have in store for him. Funny how he talks about Elizabeth and Philip being so terrible for what they've done but he sees no qualms in lying to Paige's face saying he sees great things in

This show is consistently well done and heartbreaking. Now that the show has been renewed, it will definitely have more room to deviate from the source material and fully explore Gilead and possibly what happens to Offred after the novel ended. Interesting to see Ofglen talk about how difficult her life was before and

I have my fair share of mental issues and I didn't see it that way. As stated before, it's more about credibility than anything. Also, having a mental illness does not mean you're allowed to be a smug, vengeful asshole. I would argue that Jimmy's cruel way of handling this does not compare to ten years of outrage

I'm just waiting for Riverdale to introduce Sabrina the teenage witch and her magic being the least interesting or craziest thing happening in town.

I'm very interested to see how faithful to the book the series will be to Serena Joy's backstory. A Fox News blond would definitely be a powerful, modern spin like some previous commenters have stated. I was struck by how crestfallen Serena Joy was when she tried to give some input into the situation with the newly

The actor is 32 so that's probably why.

I honestly don't mind the murder mystery because then we would get way less campy scenes with the Blossoms and I'm enjoying every second of those. Also, the horribleness of Riverdale parenting is hilarious and I am all here for it. I honestly feel like the only decent parent on the show is the Sheriff.

I kept wondering all episode "Where is Gina getting all this cement from?" And imagining all the possibilities made the pranks even funnier

I just have to say that I'm not for ships on shows and I am looking forward to see if they will possibly explore asexuality in the future, but I enjoy Betty and Jughead's relationship. Betty was spinning way too many plates and while she should have told Jug about her mother's plans, it's understandable why she didn't

Oh ok. That's what I thought.

I've never seen Mad Men but I really enjoyed Elisabeth Moss in The West Wing and Top of The Lake so I was interested when I heard she was cast as Offred in this hulu series. One thing I am curious about is that if this does get a second season, it probably means that it will compromise a lot of new material. The

If Blaine isn't faking the memory loss, how remorseful can he actually be when he doesn't even know or want to know the full extent of what he's done? Like someone in the comments said, whenever someone mentions a prior bad act, he just acts only minorly bummed, not heartbroken like any normal person would be. If I

True Blood is a great example of a show where the main character isn't automatically the character you root for because you're just sick of their shit. Just like Piper on Orange is the New Black.

Yeah that's a fair point. This is exactly why I try not to think of the real world in the context of this show. You can try and humanize a zombie all you want but they still eat people's brains lol

Naive in the sense that she so desperately wants to believe that he's a different person just because he supposedly can't remember. She thinks he's different just because he saved her life, even though it in no way erases all the terrible things he's done. To be honest, I only used the word naive because I didn't want

I don't know about if the nature/nurture thing can apply so easily to every situation. How many people have shitty childhoods and don't grow up to be serial killers and drug dealers like Blaine? Hell even in the Rob Thomas universe, you can take a character like Logan from Veronica Mars who like Blaine grew up with

He's in season 2 and his character is a piece of work. It's already on Netflix.

I never saw The Vampire Diaries but I did at one point for some reason watch The Originals (I love Phoebe Tonkin from her H20 and The Secret Circle Days) and Klaus never struck me as a "good" guy. I can definitely understand why both those characters appearing on The Originals was such a big deal now. Yikes, killed

As a general rule, I try not to compare a show about zombies to real life. If zombies were real, realistically any cure would probably take decades with big pharma getting involved possibly delaying the process. The fact that Ravi found any cure in the time period he has is TV magic. It makes sense that a viewer would