Avery Winchester

Most definitely which is why this whole storyline is pissing me off.

Yes and as I mentioned on another thread in this comment section, it makes sense for what we know about the character.

She's definitely being naive and it is frustrating because she's been shown to be intelligent. I mean when she first found out who Blaine was, she ended things. Him saving her, one person and them spending more time together doesn't change the reasons why she dumped him the first time around. Yes and Liv was right.

I'm saying Peyton could be friends lol I personally wouldn't. I understand they need Blaine around because he's Ravi's patient but that doesn't mean everyone else has to deal with him. There was a comment last week I think that said they liked Blaine in small doses and I agree. The only payoff to this mess would be if

I did too but the whole situation is like "ugh"

I sincerely hope he is faking at this point if for no other reason than it makes sense given what we know about his personality.

Yes to all the things mentioned about Peyton! My biggest problem with this (besides the fact that I often find love triangles tedious that far too often last way too long on TV shows), is she's so quick to overlook the horrible things that Blaine did in the past just because he's sort of a good person now and doesn't

"These drug dealers are so mean!" That made me laugh so hard since Jake only thought they were mean for teasing him and Boyle lol

Nacho went onto become a drug addict who dated a clone who didn't know she was a clone. Any Orphan Black fans here?

Yes after I wrote this comment, I watched the promo on YouTube. I'm surprised as to why the episode description revealed that Roy was dead but the promo didn't… seems a bit weird. I mean usually the promo reveals a bit about the case, especially if it involves a murder but it can't be a total surprise if his death is

There was a book about Princess Diana that alleged that she had borderline personality disorder but then later another book came out that said the royal family was behind those rumors about Diana's mental instability as a way to explain why the marriage deteriorated and to deflect from the Camila drama. I'm curious to

The episode description for the next episode said she was assaulted which makes me think that she is alive and SPOILER because I don't know how to do the thing on mobile with blurring it on my phone, her ex husband according to the description also ends up dead as well. I haven't seen the promo yet since I watch

Agree 1000%

I was wondering that too! We didn't see him in the two month flash forward and they gave him only weeks to live…

Well that was the point I was was trying to make. It's something that I've seen happen in TV shows a lot and even in my own personal life with my friends. It doesn't make it any less dumb. There are always consequences and regrets the morning after. Remember I wasn't the one who said I didn't buy it. I responded to

The line about removing the hair and some men liking it that way had me laughing so hard. I had to pause the tv and rewind it several times. I really enjoyed the show and if it miraculously does get a second season, I would be happy to see where the characters could go. If this is the end, I'm going to miss it. This

Not buying him hooking up with his former boss? Yeah that was definitely the old "sleep with someone I don't particularly like because I'm drunk and sad" thing that I've seen on a ton of other shows before and every time it's dumb.

She fired him because he tried convincing her and the CDC that zombies were real.

Damn Ravi! We were rooting for you! We were all rooting for you! *Tyra Banks voice* But good for Peyton for sticking up for herself. I love iZombie. But if there's anything that can divide fans and end up being a show's kryptonite, it's a love triangle. The show's writers are smart and have avoided pitfalls lessers

Natalie is the escort who was turned into a zombie prostitute for Blaine's clients in exchange for brains.