Avery Winchester

They broke up before Major became a zombie again. Rob Thomas has said that fans of Liv and Major will definitely have some moments this season but both of them will have other love interests this season. It makes sense. Now that Fillmore Graves is on the scene, they're being exposed to even more zombies than ever. I

If this has already been said in the comments, my apologies. But Vivian Stoll definitely murdered Wally and his family to get Team Z on her side right? She probably justifies it as "something necessary moving forward" and let them blame anti-zombie nuts. I'm looking forward to Major being a zombie and Jason Dohring

I'm so glad that the Adam and Hannah reunion was short lived. I was never a big fan of their relationship which I've always seen as toxic and worth walking away from me. It was good to see them both acknowledge in that diner that sometimes, as much as you might want, you can't go back.

He said she was 90. But my point was that actress is only ten years older than Martin Sheen who's supposed to be playing her son so that took me a little out of the scene.

Frankie may not emphasize the fact that she could have been killed in this episode but it's definitely something she stresses when the rest of the family find out why they're fighting. Robert broke my heart this episode but all I could wonder is if that actress who plays his mother is old enough. I remember her on

I feel like the only time his character was different was when he was on Monk, playing the title character's nemesis. I really enjoyed him in that, though not as much as here.

To be fair, Ray might have a change of heart as far as his ambitions go now that his friend died, especially given what he said to him right before it happened. There's so few episodes left but enough time for Ray to make some big changes.

"Adam has surprising news for Hannah. Jessa spends a day off on her own. Shoshanna has a run-in with Abigail."

She's not in the promo but is in the episode description

I really liked the episode but the Marnie scenes still rang false to me. It took a pawn shop owner to make her realize she was lying to herself and blaming others for problems she created? Is the audience supposed to buy that Marnie would make a huge turnaround based on the advice of a total stranger while ignoring

No it's the whole toxic relationship and constantly treating each other badly thing. I don't mind a fairy tale but having it apply here would be kind of insulting given their history.

Thanks a lot. I appreciate you saying that.

Jessa and Marnie continue to be awful. People were saying in last week's comments that Jessa at least knows she's awful. Yes she does but doesn't care. They were also saying that Marnie had self awareness. Well whatever self awareness she had prior seems to be lacking because she's been awful this season. What she

I guess everyone is different. I've been raped twice, one was a gang assault by four assailants and I don't like the idea of owning or using a gun. But I can understand why someone would. I can understand why Jane would as well and why it makes her feel powerful. But again, I wouldn't. It would make me feel less safe

I was just thinking the same thing. The show doesn't need to explain why he's conservative. I think the main issue is that he's never been a main character or had enough characterization. The writers not explaining why he's conservative would be insulting because the only reason they would be doing it is because he's

Which parts of that sound like good luck though? Is it the divorce, the affair or the lackluster relationship? Also, something is up with this new woman. She either won't last again or is probably a spy. Also, the fact that those women were attractive doesn't change the fact that all those relationships failed for

To be fair, the writers aren't really helping her out either. I think the actress is quite good, especially when she's being funny and having a genuine connection with someone in her family. I really liked her scene with Randall last week. But I just don't think they know what to do with her character, which is such a

Yeah definitely because Stan has spent so much time with the Russians. Granted, he's not even aware of it most of the time but still lol

Is is possible that Stan's new lady friend is CIA? I was just immediately suspicious of her. She seems way too good to be true and Stan has not had any luck with women over the course of this show. Tuan… I often wonder where the KGB finds these non-Russian operatives. I can definitely see him murdering Pascha and his