Avery Winchester

You're welcome :-)

No problem. If you manage to watch any of the episodes, find me in the comments somewhere. No spoilers of course but you can let me know if you like it. Three episodes have aired so far. It's on every Monday in case you were wondering. I don't know what time zone you're in but I'm on the east coast so episode links

I watch all my British TV shows online because I hate waiting until they come to the US. That's how I was able to already see the 6th season of Call the Midwife as well and I find the 3rd season of Broadchurch to be better than the second season, though I don't seem to have the vitriol for it that a lot of fans do.

Yes I am.

Yeah all I could think was that she was describing a relationship that was lived in, the kind you have when you're in love and enjoy someone's company enough that even staying home to eat snacks and watch tv sounds like a good night. Jessa has clearly never felt that level of comfort with anyone and most likely never

Nathan ugh!? He's such a tool and like a lot of other people, I am wondering what both Bonnie and Madeline (to the point where she's never gotten over him) see in him. He seems to think being a decent dad and husband is such a chore and can't stop complaining about it. I get that Abigail finds her mom overbearing but

Season 3 is amazing so far!!!! I've been watching it online.

Wasn't she also the one who won the pageant in Miss Congeniality or am I confusing her for someone else with a similar face? Lol

I felt terrible for Madeline as her daughter told her that she wanted to live with her dad. That really is the ultimate betrayal since not only wasn't he always around but her stepmom is like her new best friend. Also, Abigail seems a bit of a drama queen and I say that as a self professed drama queen. I don't think

I don't care how many times the reviewer tries to beat us over the head with the Tracy Flick comparisons. I contend that despite some similarity, there's no way that Tracy would ever get pregnant young, become a stay at home mom or work part time. None of that seems plausible given the intensity of her character. It's

I still think it was Santiago Cabrera who raped her. He was the guy lurking around in the coffee shop out of view. He's probably the dad.

Yeah I thought she was great in Adventureland, which suffered from terrible marketing. People were expecting it to be this laugh out loud comedy but it was a lot more subtle than that.

This show is considered a dark comedy and I definitely bought that as soon as Abigail said that she would graduate college with tons of debt. How would that even be possible? Lol her father is clearly well off and she's one of the lucky kids whose parents can afford a college education. There's only a handful of

Exactly. The movie has never been about getting more clarity or catharsis for her. It's a direct retaliation for that article that Hannah wrote. It's very childish of her because she's not even trying to understand how her actions made other people feel because I honestly don't think she cares. It's just because she

It's going to be hard for Jessa in part because she has completely misread her relationship with Adam and a warped idea on the entire situation as a whole. The fact that she didn't even read the script but one of her selling points to Adam was carthasis makes it seems like this is just a vanity project for her. I

At this point, the star of Iron Fist has spent more time defending the show than actually promoting it, which is its own red flag. I will still reserve judgement until I watch the series in its entirety though. I didn't have the issues with the other MCU series other people in the comments did and Daredevil is

Yeah I totally get that Hannah isn't ready but I have a feeling that even if Elijah and her mom don't come around, she will have some support. Maybe supporting Hannah is how the writers will start to attempt to redeem Marnie. Who knows? There's still several episodes left and a lot can happen.

I don't know what the rules are lol that's why I didn't mention the site at first. I guess adoption is a possibility. There's still enough episodes where she could change her mind but there would have to be a big shift I guess.

Yeah that's why I said wary and not that Barbara dislikes her. I'm sure she respects her but she was also against her being hired in the first place so I think she's been cautious of her since she arrived. But there's definitely a mutual respect amongst them. That being said, when will we see Barbara in the courtroom?

Yes it was! I didn't mention it by name because I wasn't sure what the rules were in regards to mentioning other sites so I didn't want my comment to get flagged. Also, there are spoiler photos supposedly floating around where Hannah looks further along in her pregnancy as well.