Avery Winchester

I'm really trying to have some kind of understanding for all the characters but Jessa and Marnie continue to piss me off, though Jessa joked earlier about being a child sociopath so that's to be expected. Is her perception of Hannah as a person and her relationship with Adam really that skewed that she thinks they

There was an article on another site that talked about pregnancy being used as a plot device in tv shows in order to have women mature and grow. This seems to be exactly what's happening with Hannah, especially since she was already headed in that direction anyway and a baby would only cement this. Interesting how

Yeah he's definitely entertaining and those cases of his were always interesting but it's more worrying for Diane. She was able to secure a name partnership because the firm landed Neil Gross as a client in part because of his prior working relation with Diane. If Gross decides to leave, Diane could be blamed and

It was a really good episode. Even if the firm isn't able to branch out into entertainment law, the ChumHum money will help. But Neil Gross was also one of the most difficult clients in the original series. He hires and fires lawyers all the time so it will be interesting to see if he stays around. I do love Kurt and

"I think she's crazier than a serial killer on bath salts" Tell us what you really think of Polly Cheryl lmfao

Also, the handlers know about Mischa making his way to the US and haven't mentioned it either to the Jennings. This is going to be a mess!

Also, I imagine when Randall hired a private investigator he already found out about his mother and then in that scene William filled him in on the rest. They said she just left but I assumed she died. Did they actually ever confirm that or do we have Randall's birth mom to look forward to next season?

I thought it was kind of a dick move for Randall's boss to send pears knowing he was allergic but I'm glad he quit. He did enjoy his job but he obviously wasn't appreciated there. Maybe he can find another firm in the same field or start a new career or just enjoy his time off. I am glad that the writers decided that

I don't know. Paige is unpredictable in some ways, predictable in others. I can totally see her being angry at not being told she has a sibling. But who knows?

I just love how Elizabeth and Philip spend more time with Tuan than Henry lol the actor playing him almost did like that soap opera growth spurt where they totally replace the kid so you don't see them go through puberty. I almost didn't recognize him. Excited that this show is back and looking forward to the rest of

I don't think this is the end of Kara's journalism career. Rahul Kouli from iZombie is guest starring in an episode called "Ace Reporting" and it's going to focus all on her reporting job. I'm just wondering where she is going to work now seeing as how she has very little experience and got fired for breach of

The most amusing thing about Jessa pitching the film idea to Adam was when she said it would be cathartic. I'm just thinking "Cathartic from what exactly?" Yes, all your friends are mad at you but that's because you deeply hurt another friend. What issues do they have to work through? Lol they have like zero self

The battle over the embryo was tough to watch. I felt so bad for the client. She had ovarian cancer and only one egg was left. Plus it wasn't even going to be implanted. That other couple though! They knew this was her last chance at having a biological child and still when they were losing would rather destroy it,

Her character on Nashville is garbage though… especially with the latest direction her character is going in. That's why I mentioned Halloweentown.

Judith Hoag's more relevant role that could have been mentioned to this series is where she played an actual witch and a mom in the Halloweentown movies. That's how I will always remember her, in no matter what role I see her.

Yeah I couldn't remember. But the was the episode of the hack and everyone was arguing back and forth.

Person of color/people of color

Yeah I find it funny too. Own up to who you voted for, especially if you didn't vote. It's not like you can change anything about Election Day 2016 that you did or didn't do. But it will be interesting to see where the show will go forward with this storyline. Julius was never one of the most compelling characters on

Her American accent will improve with time. Archie's English accent used to slip out at times. It wasn't really a big deal.

There was an article that Logo posted a little while ago about how POC LGBT Trump voters are feeling victimized in today's political climate. I was reminded of that with this episode. Also, it brought to mind. Didn't the original series imply that Julius was gay? Was that just a rumor around the office? I can't