Avery Winchester

Aside from the money she lost, the man she did invest with had been her friend since college so several decades at least. She probably does feel betrayed. I tried looking at it that way as opposed to the money way because I can't relate to that at all. Not everyone could.

The show runs from like September to like February or later depending on scheduling with a break from November to January or February. I think the season just feels shorter in comparison because it's 15 episodes when others have 22 or more and there is a break for several months. Then half the season is left. Before

I'm not going to lie, for a hot second, I considered the possibility that Betty has Dissociative Identity Disorder and Polly is one of her personalities and everyone in town is just pretending it's her sister because the whole town came to some sort of an agreement so she wouldn't have another psychotic break. But I'm

That's exactly why he's the only person consistently pointing out all the weird shit happening in Riverdale lol

If you think about it though, 15 episodes is only short by American standards and it's that way because that's what Viola Davis agreed to I'm guessing so she would still have time for her family and her busy film career. British shows will have at most 8-10 episodes a season but on average it's more like 6. I guess

I mean it's going to be Wes free in the sense that the actor won't be appearing but in a lot of ways it was still be about him like why was murdered and they still might choose to focus on the Mahoneys who he had a direct connection to. It might not be as Wes free as you think is all I'm saying lol

Her father killing Wes because he's black is not going to be the reason why he was murdered though. We just have so little to go on at this point, that we are just picking theories that make the most sense.

So funny you mentioned the Asher/Michaela thing because I read another recap where the writer literally said something along the lines of "Way to read the room Asher" lmfao Asher, nobody has time for that right now! Lol

I guess because it wasn't so much the actual killer as who hired him to do it. Now next season, they'll probably explore why Laurel's father wanted him dead and who was it that Wes called. It does make sense that it was Mrs. Mahoney. She kept saying Annalise was wrong about a lot of things. It makes me think: if

Even if that hadn't recognized it, she also mentioned during the eulogy it was the same outfit she wore the day he went missing just in case they didn't realize how dramatic she was being lol

Favorite part of the episode was Cheryl walking out in all white and Kevin just going "Yes" because that's exactly what I would have said had I been there lol

More of Margo being mad at the patriarchy! That was amusing. But this was a really good episode. Julia really can't catch a break and that scene in the clinic starting from the receptionist deleting her appointment was so creepy. I haven't read the books, though I want to but I know that the show has been changing

I really did like this episode and enjoy the series the so far. Lucca is great and I'm looking forward to them expanding her character. It seemed like they never quite knew what to do with her when she wasn't shipping Alicia and Jason. They've mentioned Alicia in both episodes so far. I'm wondering if we are going to

I guess people grow closer when they commit murders together, regardless of the time frame.

Yeah but what's the reasoning behind the DA and possibly the judge? They seem to really want to hate her too.

Yeah it's true they only dated for a few months but they were really good friends for years before that so I imagine she's grieving not only the loss of her boyfriend but also her friend and father of her child. Granted, this is a tv show that's completely over the top so that no doubt plays a role in this too lol

I really enjoyed this episode and can't wait for the finale but trying to understand what motive the DA's office has for going after Annalise is mind boggling. Is it because she was always handing them their asses in court? Lol presumably she's not the only defense attorney in Philadelphia to do that and the greatest

Ryan Cabrera, remember him? Lol he had like two songs I really liked that one summer as a teen. I really hope we get some kind of a resolution to the Grundy plot because her riding off into the sunset is not what she deserves. She's clearly a predator and as crazy as Alice is, she was the only one interested in

You're very sanctimonious. I was just making a point that an attempt is a different than ideation. I never said Kate's flaws weren't a big deal and I've made it very clear from my other comments that I don't think that they're ready to get married. I think he's emotionally manipulative for not consulting his fiancée

Understanding those issues is fine but they're both rushing and this episode is proof of that. Kate is clearly not ready to talk about it, which is troublesome enough on its own. Toby postponing the wedding because she won't talk about it seems unfair. They really shouldn't be getting married in the first place