Avery Winchester

I also struggle with depression and have for nearly 14 years, half my life, (even longer if you count my own suicide attempt) and have gone through my own traumas. I've also struggled with suicide and actually attempted, not just thought about counting pills from the age of 10. But you're perfectly fine to make

Unless Toby gets an entirely new personality, I hope it's with someone else. I also think that maybe she might need to be alone to focus on her goals the way she wants and there's nothing wrong with that.

The show may want him to be seen that way but I think Kate deserves a lot better and I think him postponing their wedding because she wasn't ready to talk about her dad was really emotionally manipulative.

I'm sorry but in what world did Toby ever have a perfect anything? He's pushy, creepy, overbearing and nowhere near as supportive of Kate's weight loss goals as he should be. He acted liked a dick last episode, turning everything into a joke and she's the one who had to apologize? No. No. No.

It's so weird to see Jessa and Adam still
together when it seems like the only thing holding their relationship together is sex. But if those rumors I heard over these last few months were true, their relationship isn't long for this world and I cannot wait for that epic implosion.

What a great finale! I'm really looking forward to season 3 and curious to see what other things are in store.

It doesn't really sound like you even enjoy the source material as you seem to pick on aspects of this series that are pretty much the foundation of the books, like all the adults being mostly unhelpful. Maybe next season, we can have someone who has either never read the books so they have nothing to compare it to or

I've always enjoyed Wes as a character but this episode really drove it home tonight. It was so nice seeing everyone acting so normal in the flashbacks. With all the murder and lies, it's easy to forget that they are all just twenty-something students trying to get by. There's still a part of me that thinks Connor

iZombie is pretty great. If you not completely sick of super heroes, Supergirl is my favorite of the CW when it comes to them.

I really like The Magicians but my favorite show on Syfy at the moment is Dark Matter. It's shown on Showcase in Canada.

Yeah I'm definitely a Ravenclaw. I used to think I was a Gryffindor until Pottermore set my ass straight and things started finally making sense.

I had to laugh when the reviewer called Jim Carey threatening. When? How? lol but I really love the series and it's a vast improvement over the film.

I mean let's not forget, he was also a dick to Sloane so it looks like he's always saying the wrong thing.

He died in 2006. That was mentioned in a previous episode.

Yeah that is pretty creepy

Sloane's name was said several times throughout this episode and the reviewer still gets her name wrong… I disagree with a lot of aspects of this review. Jack's backstory was hardly uneventful. Him selling his car and lying to his father so he could get money for his family was such a noble sacrifice. I didn't think I

Janet booty dancing to *NSYNC "Digital Get Down" was a nice touch. I really love this show!

I guess I'm in the minority as I genuinely loathed the film and was very disappointed in the casting of Jim Carey. Am I the only one who doesn't find him funny in anything? I can't be. Anyway, when I heard the show was getting a Netflix reboot, I was so excited as the book series was among my favorite as a preteen.