Avery Loves Rocket League

Hello, dear mortal worshippers. Thought I’d point out one non culturally equivalent concept. Inflection is all that makes a difference between “I helped my uncle Jack, off a horse” and “I helped my uncle jack-off a horse” in language that uses these pictographs-turned-characters. That is to say by popularity, Chinese

I didn’t know I was going to encounter Ebrietas. And I was like wtf is that shining white thing might not be a boss.... Hmm let’s approach it. Eh it doesn’t do anything. Let’s whack it once to see what happens. Turned out to be Ebrietas Daughter Of The Cosmos. I had limited life and health pots and molotovs. Killed

No. The speakers are used at home. I just... Don’t listen to anything in the coffee shop. Don’t want to appear antisocial when I’m with friends, ya’ know

OMG same here! The cartoon was awesome!

I regret to say that its the same for me. I have many games waiting on PSN that I am unable to make space for in my HDD. Not really for PS4(not too many games I like on it yet) but for the PS3. I do wonder if you have to redownload all the games again from PSN or can you just do a hard disk transfer from the old to

Hello, friend! Thanks for the info! I did plan to use that for everything. But sometimes using headphones can be cumbersome. For example like when I’m out with friends at a coffee shop, and have to take it off every time anyone speaks to me. At home I just prefer using speakers. And I bought a really good set from

Thanks for the info, friend! It does look very pretty(actually one of the main reasons I want it ;D)

I shamelessly admit that I am a Playstation fanboy. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Hey dear Foxstar loves Bashcraft. I’ve been interested in the Sony Gold Wireless Headset for quite some time now, the one you said you purchased. I was just wondering what you review on it would be?