That’s a goddamn good question. Trump is an embarrassment, but he’s a symptom and not the disease.
That’s a goddamn good question. Trump is an embarrassment, but he’s a symptom and not the disease.
I always assumed that being a complete asshole was a prerequisite for any boss, and so I just tolerated what ever crap my managers and employers threw at me.
If it’s not incarceration she’s after, it... must be the money.
Once again, life imitates Chappelle Show.
The Waldo Moment was the only black mirror episode I’d call outright bad. Playtest had an annoying ending, but up until then it was engaging and had some great performances. Waldo Moment had a whole lot of nothing and now that episode is retroactively far more depressing after Trump.
Saying Gawker deserves credit for having its finger on pulse of breaking news is like saying the National Enquirer is the bastion of journalism because they broke the John Edwards mistress story.
Is this where I sign up for the witch hunt? Do you know if they have pitchforks for rent or do I need to provide my own?
Remember when people mocked the idea of there being a witch hunt? Well, now you’re writing articles calling people out for what they may or may have not known at some point in time. You’re dragging names through the mud even though they haven’t been accused of anything. This is guilt by association. In other words, a…
He was mean to Tucker Carlson when he was on Crossfire 13 years ago.
The only thing that unites the American Right is their fondness of pissing of liberals with abject bullshit. This is merely the pop culture equivalent of Climate Change denialism.
You know, I see this kind of comment a lot, and it never fails to bug me. Why should the community (wordplay!) affect how you interact with a piece of art? I recognize that a lot of people on Reddit are shitheads, so I choose not to interact with them and thus never have to deal with MRAs who think that being a self…
This is the proper level of respect necessary for the anthem and our hallowed flag:
“Well, well, well...if it isn’t the most diabolical haters this side of the Mississippi. What can I say about Buck Nasty’s suit that hasn’t already been said about Afghanistan? It looks bombed out and depleted. Then we have the so-called ‘Beautiful.’ Why don’t you click your heels together three times...and go back to…
>because of those fans, the show is becoming easy to hate
Jesus Tapdancing Christ! The women who write the show these fuckheads love so much are getting harassed & doxxed for writing the show these fuckheads love so much. That is android head-exploding levels of irrationality.
“It would be wrong to describe “Can’t Fight This Feeling” as “the Louis CK episode of One Mississippi.”
For reasons I can’t explain I read this in the voice of Dr. Leo Spaceman.
In my expert opinion, you should not watch it or read articles pertaining to it.
“Call me an old man but”
Really delivering on that ‘darkest season yet’ threat huh?