
What? This case IS about the crimes committed. You mean this article? Cause there wouldn’t be article in the first place if apparently “this guy’s wife” hadn’t spent a lot of time working on this case and helped the police. You can’t ignore the fact that the police had nothing for years and years then it comes out the

I worked as a docent at the Met for over 5 years. Here’s a few points:
- she showed up on a Saturday afternoon, one of the busiest times of the week. If she was there on a Monday at 10am there may not have been an issue.
- panniers and big big dresses aren’t a great choice as they could hit art or some other patron

I must wholeheartedly ‘Ugh’ this. It is awfully self-satisfied and entitled to think you can swan around in a garment that makes you take up an enormous amount of room and jeopardize collections and also lead a lot of people to think you work for the space. I think she is just a fancy asshole.

Usually distracting or that the other patrons will think this person is a paid guide from the institution and give out incorrect information and make them look bad. They don’t want to be misrepresented by some amateur historian.

She’s great but no way. The cast is perfect from top to bottom. Even small side demons.

Eleanor and Chidi will definitely get together, Mindy will never get her coke, Vicki is actually the devil.

This comment made my night.

As a former Jamestown employee, I was very quick to hit that reply button to make sure everyone knew glass blowing has been around since the 1600s.

Heh, fighting between iconic Massachusetts living history museums.