Yep, they are on top but continuing to keep it that way by making smart decisions.
Yep, they are on top but continuing to keep it that way by making smart decisions.
Would be nice to see something similar actually !
Im not a fanboy, I just call it how it is and right now Microsoft is doing it wrong.
There are too many Belfs on Horde, the faction that had these proud warriors like tauren, orcs and trolls. For every orc there are at least 8 belfs now, literally they are everywhere in the game.
Also they do not fit with the faction at all, nothing about them has the slightest connection to the horde itself, specially…
The game seriously needs more hero diversity but Azmodan needed a new skin so I guess its fine.
And this is why they are ahead this generation, say what you will, Sony is killing it right now.
I was with Microsoft las gen because I really enjoyed my 360 but I dont understand what their doing anymore with the X1, it feels like their giving up but keeping the console alive just because it makes them some money. It…
It feels to me that Microsoft put all of their eggs in the Xbox One basket and when the reception for it wasn’t what they hoped for and made them go back and fix their strategy ended up in them losing faith on the console and the gaming industry in general.
More and more “exclusive” Xbox One titles are being…
While they waste time on this Ive been waiting for a Draenei or Gnome hero :(
I like the idea of skins, but I wish I had the option of customizing the characters my way.
Some of these skins just look like something they thought of at the last minute but others are alright (like the Goddess skin for Symmetra).
Its nice to have options at least, but Im not seeing a lot of creativity in some of…
Well yeah, I remember watching this a few years ago, it is well done but still annoying.
That was a sick trailer !
Of course, it had to be a freaking BElf...the most overused and annoying race in the game.
ok, so whats the point of the game? just being an object?
You can do that in any 3D program, whats the goal of the game here?
Just got MK XL this weekend, so far Im enjoying it but Im a bit disappointed with the new kast of kharacters, they dont do it for me at all.
Still going for the klassics like Sub Zero.
I didn’t expect this to get canceled, but the game just wasn’t getting enough attention from players as I think they wanted, it didn’t look unique in terms of gameplay and probably wouldn’t have sold very well either.
I played and enjoyed all 3 of the Fable games, while not the most revered franchise they were still…
I played CS in high school for fun with friends, but the only games I ever played competively back then were RTS (SC, WC3 and AoE2).
Ive never played a shooter that actually required that much strategy or thinking, except maybe the first 2 Rainbow Six games.
Excuse me but, what exactly is bad about this game?
Sure Im not a fan of the “chibi” looking characters and this would be much, much better as a regular game and not for handheld but, it looks ok to me.
So whats the problem here? explain please
Havent got that far yet
Looks ok, nothing I would pay to go see.
Out of all the buddies in the game, shes my least favorite, DD is my partner, always !