Yeah it is, sorry to disappoint.
Yeah it is, sorry to disappoint.
You keep believing what you want to believe :)
Im neutral here, but your attitude and some of the other people here defending these “poor” women online, just goes to show you are the other side of the same coin.
I love this attitude, the people who seem to defend ZQ and AS seem to be very uptight and aggressive about it, specially when you disagree with them.
It is true, but it is made to sound like it was through no fault of their own, while it is. The orcs conquered and destroyed Draenor.
I havent seen it, but yes I know what you mean, about making a photo realistic CGI film using known actors.
The sequel’s plot might be far more interesting than the first film, as you have a lot more characters and events to use and follow.
In terms of story, WarCraft 2 just had a lot more to play with, Id love to see a sequel to the movie if the first one is good and doesn’t contradict previous established canon.
For all those needing a bit of info about what the movie’s plot will be about, this is a good summary of what to expect (some details will be changed however it seems):
Yes I could see it from your point of view and it would be fine, in fact, if the movie’s plot is well established it could mean this big “reveal” or story twist could present itself later on in the sequels (if they are made).
You’re welcome :)
I grew up with Blizzard games, I love em, which is why I get a bit enthusiastic about their history.
I own their oldest titles and still have the manuals with me, which is interesting to go back to for the artwork and lore.
Ok, anyways, Thrall was a slave and a gladiator.
The end
No worries, Ill reply there
They have to die, if Stormwind doesn’t fall and the survivors don’t flee to Lordaeron to form the Alliance with the other human kingdoms, elves, dwarves and gnomes, then WarCraft 2 doesn’t happen.
Since 1997, you know, before WoW was popular.
I like knights and wizards, the Alliance had that.
You mean Baby Jesus Metzen?
You know...cause thats what Thrall is at the end of the day
Full CGI film is what they should have done from the get go, using real life actor’s likeness but no live action footage at all.
Blizzard is capable of this.