
No you fucking dense moron. Read the post again. Production of a particular car model is leaving as was always planned and production of a different car model will take its place as was always the fucking plan.

once saw a Mike Litoris doing a news interview

I was also bothered by that. That, and the child rape.

Of course he got the big heavy massage chairs from Brookstone- I think they’re the D Series Massage Collection. If he was smarter, he’d have gotten the smaller, lighter, but superior E-Series. I think we all know, though, that Flacco would never buy the E lite.

HAHAHA, concerned with some images not being labled NSFW, on a link asking if these people are really fucking, then hit it with fuck x 2 in disgust. This makes no sense.

Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.

They love to bring up Soros but conveniently forget the Koch douches.

Well, username checks out

But I’m esp’ly curious about pay+violence

“I will not tell you that...Tiffany’s...are my central concerns in life,” the mayor said.

Beck made his fortune and started getting out of the game after his rally in DC; I think he actually scared himself when he saw how many people actually believe the shit he was shoveling.

If you are dressed in a nice suit you shouldn’t be carrying change around like a peasant!

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

They were also pretty up front about the fact that solid polling has only been around for what, the last 20 presidential elections? Maybe less? That’s not a ton of historical data, statistically speaking, and I remember them mentioning that it opened their model up to vulnerabilities more than once.

Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.

Agreed. Silver was the only mainstream media voice who was consistently forecasting possible paths for Trump, and writing about the weird aspects of state by state polling, and the challenge of identifying likely voters in such a topsy-turvy election map. I know he did, because reading 538 gave me nightmares for

While I mostly agree, I’d wager my 401(k) that the compounding effect outweighs even the tax benefit if one starts early enough in life. I’m too lazy to math it out. But the combination of compounding and tax deferment is amazing!

It would be a nice way to get the ball rolling right before the Trump University case. The Trump University lawsuit will pave the way into charges against Pam Bondi. This in turn leads to further scrutiny of the Trump Foundation. We also have Chris Christie’s impending trial to further erode support.

Please, please, please, let the Trump-Pence administration’s first full scale scandal... be the contents of leaked emails.