
Call ‘em cucks. They love that.

Don’t worry too much about the “national debate” since that’s just TV people that need two sides of something to talk about. The national polls are a little more certain now.

Isn’t there some risk that if she landed a knockout punch the third debate would be her against someone else (who she’d likely still beat in the general) that would be less guaranteed to both lose the general and tank R turnout therefor? Before the pussy tape came out on Friday polls were coming out with Trump

You’ve said a true thing without actually making a point. Yes they can’t give all $35,000,000,000 to the cafeteria workers, but they can afford to pay them a living wage. You haven’t offered any information that says otherwise — for instance that Harvard is spending every penny that they are authorized to and none

Doesn’t listen to his advisers but also doesn’t notice when they change the GOP platform re Crimea. Huuuuuge coincidence, I’m sure.

Wait - is Colombia a bigger self-sabotage now? It’s really an interesting race for second. Brazil is making a serious effort too.

I do make a bunch of money ($250-300k per year) and I disagree with this entirely. If you give me a Bush-like tax cut that leads to bigger deficits and potentially curtails growth later, it doesn’t do anything for me in the long run. People that are doing well in this economy should primarily be concerned with

that’s a Howard Stern tape, but you’re otherwise right.

Or maybe she’s only now finding out more than one woman has alleged her dad tried to rape them in her bedroom?

Also, I’d love to hear what you have to say to the contestant that talked last year about how he would leer at the naked women while they got ready for Miss Universe, which he denied at the time, but bragged about on Stern (in the same interview where he said it was basically his obligation as the owner to try to fuck

Except there are two or three cases (including Miss Utah 1997(might be wrong on the year) and a makeup artist who has been making the rounds recently) where Trump is accused of doing exactly what he described in the tapes. Further reporter Erin Burnett said she has confirmed with multiple sources that he kissed

It’s good to save the “pull your head out of your ass” for your second response to the same joke comment made by someone that posts absurd shit here all the time. Good work. Maybe next time examine some context clues before you get yourself all in a huff.

And Burnett would have to be willing to live with the publicity of suing someone that released footage of a potential US president saying the N word. If that happens, Burnett might lose on 1st Amendment grounds, but would definitely lose in public opinion.

If Cuban makes this happen, I’d vote for him for any office he ever wants to run for. He’d be a national hero.

Nevermind, someone posted the video below.

Remind him that basically any American is in the world’s top couple percent, so his problems are rich people problems too.

The couple of my friends that post Vote Johnson stuff on Facebook definitely fall closer on actual values and policy to dems than republicans, but also are young enough that they just grew up knowing they hated Hillary and not able to articulate any reason why.

Considering all this Jeff Smith follows are swinger accounts, I’m hoping he’d be using an alias if he held office:

You forgot the

To be fair, everything about the college revenue sports has become exponentially more professional and profitable every year. When he wrote that opinion it was a lot more defensible (though in my opinion still wrong).