
Read up on power dynamics. In context, the “double standard” you’re worried about here is entirely reasonable.

Relax, you were wrong. Very wrong. It’s okay.

It wasn’t the whole quote, you idiot.

Does the word “generally” mean anything you fucktard?

Edit because it’s clear you see what you missed earlier... my bad for not reading further before replying.

Don’t check the replies to the tweet with the picture. In addition to the usual Islamaphobia, there’s a decent amount of bitching that “they” got our news before we did which puzzled me for a few minutes until I saw “Jewish Breaking News” with the original tweet. Some conflicted hate mongers out there now...

What terrorists were ever captured or killed under Obama? Oh, more than any other president? Weird.

Yeah -- that’s how they’ve ended up claiming two closeted gay killers recently that very likely weren’t all that ISIS-y.

After that, saw off Florida and you can remove any remaining chance he has of winning.

And here I thought you really enjoyed a nice pair of slacks.

Amen to all of that. It’s exhausting trying to sort through politics now that we’ve brought a team sports mentality to it. I know not one thinking person that actually has a party line set of beliefs. Kudos to you for digesting information and using that info in crafting opinions rather than vice versa.

I also think Noah might seem a little bland because a) what’s going on here is no where near as crazy as what he grew up in and b) there’s some adjusting to our culture and finding what the boundaries are that is going to take him a little bit of time. Not to mention it takes some time to adjust the show to fit the

Give TDS a year or two and see if he can make it his own, but I’m with you for now, it’s not great. On another note, I listened to Noah on the Ezra Klein podcast, in a longer form interview (think it was about an hour) and the backstory is fascinating. That interview is worth a listen and includes a less bland version

and doing it in L.A. instead of St Louis ain’t bad either.

That was actually more reasonable than the last one. Well done.

A) The rate in creases with the appreciation on your house, so the 9% is in the event I (that’s basically my house price and mortgage) get 20% appreciation for five years, if it instead went up to $500,000, my loan would cost 16%.

But, and this is important, who have enough equity in their home, which home is in an area approved by Point, to get this deal. So basically people who don’t need the loan in the first place.

Gawker sold for $135 million. That’s better than most of my failures, and I’d be willing to bet better than any of yours too.

Cinemark didn’t sue the victims, they victims sued Cinemark and Cinemark moved for attorney fees because the suit wasn’t successful. It’s a negotiating ploy, not an attempt for a multibillion dollar company to get $700k.

They were never angling for the money, they just needed the cost award in order to get the agreement to drop the appeals. It’s ugly, but that’s how the legal system works.