
Ha! That's fairly similar to a plan of my "dream home" I came up with as a kid! Well... the track was for go-karts. ...and blood thirsty German shepherds roamed it when not in use.

@Orionas69: Not sure how you get "major flop" out of 43 million on a non-holiday December opening weekend. (13th of all time for December opening weekends)

Ha! So they're under the impression that it's me (it's my dogs), that listens to classical all day? Pretty lofty lifestyle assumptions there Pandora.

@TnOdyssey001: It's bittersweet watching the sheeple run about in panic isin't it?

@jalopnikfan: Agreed. But I think they sold it, and obviously not to the devil, but to some really lame, boring, bland demon.

Actually found my (toy) light cycle the other day, sadly, no rip cord in sight. (or Flynn/Tron)

Soooooo.... still unable to change ("password save failed") the ol' password.

@tobythesandwich: Ha! I disagree, it's a bit more like "check out what I was successful enough to be able to afford to pay this guy, who knows a hell of a lot more than me, and owns a small fortune in tools/machines, did for me!"

@doug-g: I'd go with Tool Boxes myself.

@Dravs: Sounds like some kind of leftover sausage.

@Lego Addict: Was pointed to this link by an informative helpful commenter...

A list of the compromised user names would be a bit of a help. (I don't torrent.)

@Green Man: What password that's filled in? All 3 spaces are blank.

@tonyola: Completely agree. I envy your ears for hearing those. I will never, and I'll bet you won't again - hear something that... amazing (for lack of a better adjective), short of the apocalypse, in your lifetime. 7.6 million pounds of thrust. The shuttle's awesome and everything, but jeezus.

Since commenting is disabled on the "Gawker compromised" threads (classy Gawker), I'll ask here... changing password attempts have failed. Anybody else having this problem?

@VicViper: Surely you can't be serious?

@Franklin Harris: Ditto. Should've seen my face when I was enlightened to that little tidbit. Then again... it's proof positive that... if Russell Brand can get a chick like that, imagine what you or I could accomplish!! :D

@HackMod: I've never heard the aspirin thing, but understand that one should definitely check with the doc before moving to 1/day (even miniscule dosages). But yep, the acetaminophen is bad for the ol' liver from what I understand. I'm sure something else will getcha before 1 Alleve per month though.