
You too???????????

"We got computers, we're tappin' phone lines, I know that that ain't allowed."

One of my favorite moments in the Miami Vice pilot.

Todd wins again with the double whammy of Deadwood and Slings….both artful endings that pack all they need without making it tooDeadwood especially, with the image of Al endlessly trying to scrub the blood from the floor, the endless desire to write history clean. British Office is high up there too, as opposed to

What are you talking about?? Mary of Scots was fuckin' stacked.


My favorite parts are when he doesn't make any sense.

2 Christ 2 Crucifixious

Catholic Church: Pew!  Pew!

This facebook status didn't get enough likes so you gotta thrust it onto the good people here??

Hey, we all know @avclub-9349e20458f64c9bfb83b5221e145937:disqus is actually Clint Howard.

I bushmilled your mom, if that's what you meant by "fit in some more."

Brandt's already got Michael J Fox Show, depending on where that goes.  She's off to a good start.

Cranston will probably do better than Gandolfini on the the "success" train, largely because Gandolfini was always far more selective and prudent with his projects, but largely sticking to the stage.  It gave off the impression that he really wanted to cultivate a body of work (even in his bad films, his characters

Do we rag on Dowd, or is Dowd on the rag?

Give that DP an Emmy.

Didn't hate, didn't love.



Am in partial agreement.  Sure, it was cathartic, but just felt too neat.  I read predictions far more imaginative.