
Avalon, how did these things happen?

Now THAT'S a caption-contest worthy photo.

Last?  Keep 'em coming, Hyden!  This has always been one of my favorite part of Tuesdays, the bitch day of the week (alongside Wednesday).

Muppet Gulag screenplay treatment, O'Neal, or it didn't happen.

Piggy just really wants the conch.

Harmon is Harmontown.

Indian Cuisine, Authentic Americana Diner, Japanese Sushi, Peruvian Dining, Italian Pizzeria, it's still the same dog-and-cat factory in the back.

Getting off lawns, how do they work?

That first Donald Glover scene was a Vietnam flashback to an intimate encounter from my past, except I wasn't black.

Don't mock my favorite film like that.

If they ever fire O'Neal, we'll have a "Save Jericho" movement by mailing bottles of scotch to the Chicago offices.

Dammit, and I just ordered my big bag of forks.

"Pss,.. take off your clothes."

An American in Paris, son.  Particularly for the final crane shot at the end of "S'Wonderful."  Marvelous.

All excelsior picks (especally Orchestra Wives).  And might I remind Todd that  "Luck Be A Lady" is likely Guys most famous song.

Nah, I have a feeling Les Mis is gonna conquer the best picture — Lincoln will get actor/screenplay/director nods, but Les Mis is also the kind of rabble-rouser pap that they love, big and bloated.  Since they're always trying to appear young and hip, I think they'll be too worried that Lincoln is too austere.

Sarcasms, how do they work?

That Harris included that made me the most giddy (although, to be fair, I should've had enough faith in Harris to come through on that glory).


At least they express, via the Squad, how racially diverse the police force really was, and how the entire city could come together after a great and tremendous war and unite behind the banners of racial equality.  The even built the freeways to honor the various ethnic neighborhoods!