
Inquire two comments below.

In high school marching band we had a cricket bat used for hazing freshmen called the Board of Education.  Bless all thou homophones.

Jew, no?

I've never delved into any of these — either because the friends I'd want to play with thought they were dumb, or because the people that would play were insufferable pricks — but it always brings me back to those few months in high school when me and a few others gathered around to battle out Diplomacy.  Goddamn was

Jenga Unchained!

"See that? Now THAT'S funny!" said Chase during his photo-op response.

I want him to autograph mine "To Chevy Chevy Chase."

Cue creation of HBO CEO of Dicks.

We'll now move to the next order of business: Measure 28-G, an approval on sand-blasting "Keith Phipps" name from the bronzed town charter and replacing it with "Keith Phapps."  Cookie Monster it seems you've had some thoughts on this, would you care to speak on behalf of this measure?

Which, it turns out, is all of the creative writing students.  And yes, I was a creative writing student.

Milch had a heavy hand in constructing the Pony symbols.  Full circle, and all.

The AVClub became a hotbed for crackpot pop-culture theorizing so gradually I hardly noticed.

You don't?

Yeah, and this point it's just a guilty pleasure.  It's also a wonderful thing to passively watch while you're doing mundane work around the house: fold laundry, clean dishes, change oil, etc.

A Swearengen/Dowager buddy cop movie is now paramount.

I told ABC a sequel to Adam-12 would never work.

A side effect.

@E.Buzz Miller doesn't send pointless replies, only pointed.

You're the birthday, you're the birthday, you're the birthday, boy OR girl!

He looks like that kid in ninth grade who grows out peach fuzz to show off his "wicked 'stache."