
A perfectly wasted opportunity to start a comment section with "The world has changed."

Still have tons to see, but my short-list, thus far:

Still have tons to see, but my short-list, thus far:

And it's only Part 2!

And it's only Part 2!

I'm torn on the 48 fps; the cinephile in me wants to watch it the way the director intended, but Tasha's points are well-noted (and in fact, better articulated here than in other reviews I've read).

I'm torn on the 48 fps; the cinephile in me wants to watch it the way the director intended, but Tasha's points are well-noted (and in fact, better articulated here than in other reviews I've read).

He actually stuffed his hand in his pocket, cuz it'd look like he was carrying a friend.

He actually stuffed his hand in his pocket, cuz it'd look like he was carrying a friend.

"I get it, he drives a Lincoln."

"I get it, he drives a Lincoln."

Would have also accepted Welles' Chartres speech from "F For Fake."

Would have also accepted Welles' Chartres speech from "F For Fake."

It's ok, David Geffen usually lets them all crash at his pad.

It's ok, David Geffen usually lets them all crash at his pad.

Also on Netflix Instant Steaming, for the bandwidth-inclined.  This is going in the queue.

Also on Netflix Instant Steaming, for the bandwidth-inclined.  This is going in the queue.

Wonderful inclusions of Byrne/Vincent, M Ward, Shins, Dino Jr, and Grizzly Bear, especially for the ones on albums I'm still lukewarm about.

Wonderful inclusions of Byrne/Vincent, M Ward, Shins, Dino Jr, and Grizzly Bear, especially for the ones on albums I'm still lukewarm about.

Pronounced "Jewpac."