
Which is funny, because it was written as a spoof of the popular prog bands of the time (ELP, especially)….and yet it ended up as a premier example of the form.



Everyone should just quit.  @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus just closed us all out with this.

Everyone should just quit.  @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus just closed us all out with this.

Paul Thomas Anderson was busy filming/editing "The Master" so there was no way he could've helped out, though he does a wonderful job at tasteful displays of vulgarity.

Paul Thomas Anderson was busy filming/editing "The Master" so there was no way he could've helped out, though he does a wonderful job at tasteful displays of vulgarity.

We're through the looking glass, people….

We're through the looking glass, people….

Anyone who grew up/lived in the L.A. area and is vaguely familiar with their classic rock radio has got remember Jim Ladd's night show, in which he often ended it with "the last long song of the night" — great FM radio exposure to some serious deep cuts, whether Floyd (Dogs/Sheep/Echoes), Stones (Going Home),

Anyone who grew up/lived in the L.A. area and is vaguely familiar with their classic rock radio has got remember Jim Ladd's night show, in which he often ended it with "the last long song of the night" — great FM radio exposure to some serious deep cuts, whether Floyd (Dogs/Sheep/Echoes), Stones (Going Home),

I'd second that. For me it's always a battle between Floyd and Dylan for who has the best good-to-long song ratios.

I'd second that. For me it's always a battle between Floyd and Dylan for who has the best good-to-long song ratios.

RedLetterMedia also said it best when they say that Adam Sandler is the equivalent of a Hollywood Bernie Madoff.

RedLetterMedia also said it best when they say that Adam Sandler is the equivalent of a Hollywood Bernie Madoff.

I used to walk home from the bus stop from working at the paper with "New York Serenade" (which kind of sucks since I was going to school in San Diego) so that Bruce's vocals came in right as the bus doors were opening for us to get out.  It was a damn glorious feeling, when you'd get that with the late night spring

I used to walk home from the bus stop from working at the paper with "New York Serenade" (which kind of sucks since I was going to school in San Diego) so that Bruce's vocals came in right as the bus doors were opening for us to get out.  It was a damn glorious feeling, when you'd get that with the late night spring

The original "Sweet Home Alabama" isn't terrible when compared to the Nietzschean abyss of most pop music, but, on its own, glorifies the South in a way that kind of justified Sherman burning Atlanta down.

The original "Sweet Home Alabama" isn't terrible when compared to the Nietzschean abyss of most pop music, but, on its own, glorifies the South in a way that kind of justified Sherman burning Atlanta down.