
The most obvious (and clearly, adorable) one would be Noel and Donna AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN GET THAT RIGHT.

Isn't it established gossip now that Vaughn was the father of Jones' kid from a year ago or so?  All while he was still apparently married?

Isn't it established gossip now that Vaughn was the father of Jones' kid from a year ago or so?  All while he was still apparently married?

That's one of my biggest complaints with First Class — they should've drawn out Xavier's and Magneto's friendship out, so we cared more when they split, and save the Prof X from being wheelchair bound until later, as something we build up to, not a quick payoff simply because "Hey!  Professor X is typically in a

That's one of my biggest complaints with First Class — they should've drawn out Xavier's and Magneto's friendship out, so we cared more when they split, and save the Prof X from being wheelchair bound until later, as something we build up to, not a quick payoff simply because "Hey!  Professor X is typically in a



@avclub-478c1fd92b60f52e0639f47d1841fed2:disqus you try living in Orange County.

@avclub-478c1fd92b60f52e0639f47d1841fed2:disqus you try living in Orange County.

That's why I'm going as Sexy Honey Boo Boo.

That's why I'm going as Sexy Honey Boo Boo.

You sure you're not confusing the monkey for Jon Goodman?

You sure you're not confusing the monkey for Jon Goodman?

Could have saved you from force-cuddling with that poorly chosen hook-up if you had shouted "There is no spoon" upon finishing.

Could have saved you from force-cuddling with that poorly chosen hook-up if you had shouted "There is no spoon" upon finishing.

I haven't read the book yet, unfortunately, so I don't have much of a foundation other than my experiences with prior Wachowski projects.  I dig the techno-anarchy, although I've often found it co-opted by noveau libertarian folk. which likely jades my perception.

I haven't read the book yet, unfortunately, so I don't have much of a foundation other than my experiences with prior Wachowski projects.  I dig the techno-anarchy, although I've often found it co-opted by noveau libertarian folk. which likely jades my perception.

I suppose that some of my reticence comes from seeing its subject matter co-opted by pro-Randian people and, especially, their conspiracy theorist brothers-in-arms.

I suppose that some of my reticence comes from seeing its subject matter co-opted by pro-Randian people and, especially, their conspiracy theorist brothers-in-arms.

And you guys couldn't rip him out of the picture, like the tattered yearbook scraps of a broken high school relationship?  Or squiggled pen over his face and writing "gross" in the margins?