
Who told you you could eat MY cookies!?!?

Every.  Thursday.  Check and mate.

Every.  Thursday.  Check and mate.

I jerk off whenever I watch a Charlie Krauthhamer film!

I jerk off whenever I watch a Charlie Krauthhamer film!

Hey Fatty, I got a movie for you: A Fridge Too Far!

Hey Fatty, I got a movie for you: A Fridge Too Far!

I thought we were all giving him a lifetime pass for Big Love?  Am I behind on something?

I thought we were all giving him a lifetime pass for Big Love?  Am I behind on something?

Thanks, Ebert.

Thanks, Ebert.

Good fucking call.  Those preparation scenes get more and more heartbreaking as the film goes on.

Good fucking call.  Those preparation scenes get more and more heartbreaking as the film goes on.

Polishing a Turd: 25 scenes of a character getting flushed down a toilet.

Polishing a Turd: 25 scenes of a character getting flushed down a toilet.

I particularly enjoy how Anderson added "I'm going to kill myself tomorrow" on a lark, just because he saw it in another film.

I particularly enjoy how Anderson added "I'm going to kill myself tomorrow" on a lark, just because he saw it in another film.

Only?  Heavy periods of stress are a pretty good reason for me.

Only?  Heavy periods of stress are a pretty good reason for me.

If Mitt Romney aired this as a negative ad he'd win every state.