These metahumans are killers. They are bad hombres. They come into America turning everything to powder and breaking stuff. We need a ban on all metahumans. Sad!
These metahumans are killers. They are bad hombres. They come into America turning everything to powder and breaking stuff. We need a ban on all metahumans. Sad!
Failed wrapper Kanye West has betrayed America. I am banning his music. Sad!
The so-called LSAT is a killer. It is full of killers. It killed this poor kid. I'm going to ban the LSAT. so sad!
What a tremendous man!
Failed Bill O-Reilly is telling lies about President Putin a great man. O'Reilly should say sorry right now to that bigly man. Sad!
So-called gay Milo and very weak Bill Maher… Wait.
Lucky for America there is a young man who is the fastest man alive who will stop killers. I must meet this Flash guy. Tremendous!
I recently found out Frederick Douglass is not a rapper.
Welcome to living life with someone with high-grade NPD.
So bad. So sad.
These so-called federal judges are very weak on the law. I know more about the law than the judges. These judges are terrible. The walk around in dresses. Very weak, very bad. So sad!
That is the American Dream my friend!
I'll make the best drone deals. Chai-na is eating our drones lunches! It is a disaster. Terrible!
Have you been to Chicago? It is a disaster. It has so many bad killers. The worst killers. I know more about killers than the FBI. If you have been there you are probably already dead. Sad!
Is it the good Ghostbusters? The new Ghostbusters was terrible. It was a disaster and a bust. Sad!
A disaster. Terrible!
Failed DJ Howard Stern has betrayed me and America. He is weak on Bobos and very weak with fat parasites. He looks like Big Bird. Sad!
The last remnant of the Eastern Roman Empire fell in 1460. This film wasn't made until over 500 years later. Sad!
Failed leftist agitators advocate gaybashing. Sad!
I would pay top money for someone to get rid of Bannon. What a creep!