
Fare thee well, sir.  Fare thee well.

*whispers* Lowenstein ... Lowenstein ...

You forgot the Italian Beef Truck.

Maybe because I missed so much of the marketing campaign (I’m a chick and almost for so I might as well be dead), I guess I missed that part of the conceptual misfire. But I found it both fun and wry, as of they were sick of taking themselves so damned seriously.

This was a rhetorical question, right?

Number 3 is a huge concern, bigger than most people realize. It’s an even larger one when you consider the biggest competitor to the cable as an IP is a cellular company.

Fox News and Fox’s entertainment IP are not the same thing.

Ehhh, they could get Jackman’s Wolverine into the MCU. He’s been a bit player in the XCU since DOFP.

Universal still holds the distribution rights to any stand-alone Hulk movies (and the theme park licensing rights to certain other characters) and has zero desire to part with them.

Yeah, but they’re still seeing dimishing returns plus they lost Jackman. People are already negative on Sophie Turner as Phoenix.

Thanks for the Lois Duncan shout out, she was my fav writer (aside from S.E. Hinton) when I was a kid. There was always a touch of class warfare in her books, with the rich douche ending up dead and the working class kid the Final Girl/Hero Guy. Interestingly enough, she died last year at 82. Also, the murder of

They absolutely exist, a sort of rich kid dumping ground between the prestigious boarding school and troubled teen wilderness schools.

The fact that I have to login through Facebook means I have to use something other than my work desktop. Which fucking sucks.

Yeah, so the Polk County Sheriff’s Department just tweeted that if you have a warrant and go to a county shelter for Irma, you’ll be arrested. Good to know that even in the face of incredible adversity and a catastrophic natural disaster, their LEOs are still incredible flaming assholes.

No court has ruled on the legality of DACA as of yet, and Botha Reagan and Bush made executive orders on immigration that also went unchallenged. Sorry pal, not buying that one. Also not buying your argument on anti-immigration =\= racism, considering that 90% of our immigration laws throughout history have been

The difference being they employ undocumented workers, not necessarily DACA PROTECTED workers. Two. Separate. Things. Dreamers aren’t becoming short order cooks (and since when are car mechanics unskilled labor? You need to go to school for that) and farm hands. The folks taking those jobs are usually transient,

Yeah, the people who have made emigration to the US via legal means have always been Nativists, they jut use another term. The history of US Immigration law is a patch work of various racially or religiously motivated laws designed to block minorities from entering. Those groups are almost always Conservative.

Here’s the thing, for the US, aside from some very targeted laws designed specifically to keep certain minorities out, we’ve pretty much had open borders until the 1920s or so. So to say it’s a slap in the face to those that came here legally is a load of shit. My people have been here since before this was a

It’s that dace made for radio ...

Your retired parents, aunts, etc. yes.