
Um, did no one catch the fact that “Herbert ‘Magic’ Williams” was an extremely important role in the Vietnam episode (Leap Home, Pt. 2.). Makes this reboot more interesting to me. Maybe we meet Sam’s brother in the “present” as well.

It makes me really sad knowing that the AV Club is becoming the new Deadspin- a once great thing rendered irrelevant

Well, fuck. I knew he wasn't in the Chicagoland group so I didn't think this column was in danger. Enjoyed it for many years, herbs can eat shit.

LOOPHOLE: The end title card said that “Dr. Sam Becket” [sic] never returned. That’s OBVIOUSLY a different multiverse Sam Becket, and not our glorious Bakula Beckett.

Two of my favorite actresses won, Smart and Nicholson.

YES! 100% agreed.

Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, the big kiss between Kevin and Holt was one of the best heartwarming moments they've done on the show

Marc Evan Jackson was great in both episodes. (Off-topic, but with his red beard and shorn hair, he looks ideally made for a remake of Lust for Life, doesn’t he?)

and between older men, too!

Wow. I had the opposite reaction to this, which is to say I loved the Holt/Kevin stuff, especially the fact that a network television program had a passionate same-sex interracial kiss that was the only thing on screen for a significant period.

Surely “is good at it” should be one of the requirements? Not that I watched him (or any of the other guest hosts), but it doesn’t seem like people who did were generally that favorable. I think they should aim slightly higher than “well-known, popular person who hasn’t done anything shitty on record”.

I remember really liking All-American Girl, but to be fair, I was 10 and not very discerning of quality. I don’t remember him being on it though!

AV Club Editor 1: “People are complaining about how the site isn’t as good as the old days. What can we do to recapture that old AVC magic?”

Hand to heart, I’d planned to bring the whole conversation full circle with All-American Girl, but we ran out of time. I did send an email in the hopes of getting him to just send me a voice memo talking about it, but no luck. Ah, well, at least I tried...

He played a trans woman on Mr. Robot, but it was a trans woman who specifically had to pass as a cis-man in multiple scenes.

It is notable that Whiterose is a trans-woman who needs to appear as a cis-man. Not that it’s impossible to find a trans woman who would be both comfortable and able to appear as both male and female, but I can appreciate that it was more nuanced than just a cis man playing a trans woman. 

Seconded on the welcome return of WH in VA! And another great interview with another super-interesting interviewee.

That’s what CGI is for!

The Lead Actress in a Limited Series category is ridiculous.