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Winifred Hervey, who was the showrunner for the 2nd and 3rd seasons, discussed working with him in an interview with the TV Academy. From her, it sounds like Will wanted a say in what all the other characters were doing, and was allowed to give notes on the others, and it rubbed the experienced actors the wrong way,

In case anyone missed it on i09 (or any of the other places it’s been covered), Disney is trying to screw Alan Dean Foster out of his rightful royalties for the Star Wars novels he wrote, saying they bought the rights to the work but not the contractual obligations (so they’re going to keep making money off books that

Part of me wonders if moving up the death was a good move—it’s like if Game of Thrones had killed off Ned Stark at the end of the first episode; it would have been a shock, but not as much as it ultimately was after spending so much time with him as the ostensible protagonist. On the other hand, this probably is the

I never saw the supposed fourth (or fifth, if you count the Renner one) movie, and as far as I’m concerned such a thing never exists, for that very reason. I suspected fridging would occur, and I had no interest whatsoever.

Thank you. I was hoping someone had pointed this out. He didn’t dump her; he declined to get back together after she broke up with him. That’s a very different thing.

1997-1998 TV season:

What’s missing from this article is that they’ve been divorced for 12 years. They divorced in 2008, reunited for the sake of the kids in 2015/2016 and were living together in his house but not married. Given that the house was purchased by him when they weren’t married, there’s no reason she should have a right to it.

That’s a fan-made trailer editing a bunch of random footage from different shows/movies. There’s no real trailer for the pilot.

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For those who want to see how terrible it was (though she isn’t bad):

The pilot was online at some point (in a very unofficial copy), so I got to watch it. And...yeah, it was not good. Just so misconceived and poorly done (none of which was because of her).

When I saw the article, I thought it was more awkward that they weren’t playing the leads, but the parents of one of the leads—who is old enough to be a former NBA player and CEO.

If you didn’t see it, a photo was making the rounds a few weeks ago of her eating out in Malibu in August. She looks great, especially for 94!

Murder, She Wrote is always an excellent choice, and this is a great pick. Definitely a top five episode for me.

Thanks! (And also, 21 years ago.... A full legally-drinking person. Geez, I’m old.)

had just launched Buffy spin-off Angel, which anchored their 1999 expansion to Friday night programming

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I wish there was a better clip of this (one on Youtube has better video, but a different song subbed in), but still great.

When he wanted to leave to do a movie (the Affleck one his wife worked on as well, as mentioned above), they had to break up his character and Mindy (even though they were engaged and had a kid), so they went all-in on turning him into an asshole. All the pushy, controlling qualities that had been there all along were

I love him (and still hate how they destroyed his character on The Mindy Project). Always glad to see him turn up in something, and happy his career is going well.

Based on the timestamp, all of these Emmy interviews have gone live at midnight (Midnight Eastern or Central, I’m not sure).

None of these do anything for me, but I did buy the Jessica Fletcher Funko pop that came out a few months ago. I don’t have any other Funkos (Pops?), but I love having JB on my desk.