Is there anything David Mamet doesn't hate?
Is there anything David Mamet doesn't hate?
It definitely is, the main difference being that Blanche Dubois is a tragic character who Williams certainly doesn't seem to hate, while Jasmine is someone Allen seems to view with nothing but contempt. And it was hard not to draw Mia Farrow parallels even before all the abuse allegations rose up again. When Jasmine…
I thought Mindy and Danny from "The Mindy Project" had a lock on the hottest TV kiss I'd see this year…but that blew it away. It was less overtly sexy…which is what made it so freaking sexy. Sheldon's lean in and step closer, the slow raising of Amy's arm as though she had that instinct to put her hand on him but…
We're still going to disagree, but to clarify—by contrasting her with the show's handling of Irene Adler, I meant that Moffatt and co had made Mary a stronger character than the original Doyle version. Whereas Doyle's strong, principled Adler who beat Holmes was substantially weakened and turned into that hot mess by…
I've seen a lot of online hate for Mary for shooting Sherlock since the episode originally aired in the UK, but I'm just going to say it—I love her. I think she's awesome, I loved everything that was revealed about her, I loved watching her in action, and I love that she's now as complicated and interesting as the…
I'm shallow, so I'll say it. If this show gives me naked Scott Bakula, I will pretty much be guaranteed to forgive it anything. It would be Quantum-Leap-obsessed 13-year-old me's dream finally coming true. Yes to losing the towel!
An episode built around plots specific to these characters, not overly reminiscent of other sitcoms! Hooray!
April's unintelligible "I love you too" was when I lost it. Out of all the characters, she's the last one I would have expected to move me to tears, which made it all the sweeter that she did (especially with the shockingly vulnerable "Please don't make me say it. Please."). **sniff**
The scariest thing about this episode for me today? Realizing that the baby born in it is/would be turning 19 years old this year.
At this point, I'm just going to feel sorry for people who dismiss this show because it's a multi-cam, because it's their loss. This is a legitimately good show. I'm glad that episode two weeks ago was an aberration.
I have to admit, I can almost never rewatch this one, because the first half is just too depressing for me. Homer and Marge being accused of neglect, the kids being taken away, Marge being so sad…it's too real. I just can't.
The only thing I would disagree with is the comment that this episode is the dividing line between the show being good and bad, with everything after this being bad. I'm sure it's just a generalization, but for me, this is part of the strongest section of the show that would continue through the end of the season at…
Wow—that was easily the best episode to date. It was an A episode, not just of this show, but of television, period. Hilariously funny and devastatingly emotional. Amazing that the same writers that came up with last week's mediocrity came up with this.
I really appreciated the big Christy-Bonnie confrontation at the end, which was well done from both a writing and performance perspective…but I'm inching closer to bailing on the show. As much as I like Faris, Janney and Jones, this show is just too damn depressing. Everything before Christy started crying at the…
Viewing the homepage on my cellphone, I initially thought the picture above was of Jane Krakowski and thought someone had cast her in a werewolf show (hopefully a comedy/parody one) based on the episode of 30 Rock where Jenna was shooting a werewolf movie in Iceland. Reading that that's not what this is was deeply…
You know, on "Friends" Rachel quit her job as a waitress with no backup plan to make herself focus on what she really wanted to do. Just saying. The big difference is, that episode made a lot more sense. Rachel gave two weeks notice (why didn't Penny?), at the end of the two weeks Rachel was freaking out about not…
(Heh—after I posted I wondered if I remembered that Fresh Prince article correctly and went looking for it. Sure enough, it was real. The show they were looking at for plotlines was The Donna Reed Show:… )
Years ago I read an article by someone who served as a staff writer or writers assistant on “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air” (RIP, Uncle Phil) who said one of the worst things they were forced to do by the producers was watch episodes of old sitcoms to see if they could find plots they could take and use on “Fresh…
So this is where Andre went after leaving Shirley? Sad. Go back, dude.
Eh, to me she's just playing (and has been) to the level of the material she's been given. All she's had to do this season is cry about daddy, cry about mommy, cry about her married boyfriend, wah wah wah, angst angst angst. Which, yeah, has led to a lot of trembly-lipped performances, and I'm not sure how else she's…