AVClub Med

I have heard that the tanker explosion at the end could have killed Dalton. He was told, just keep running for the camera on cue. As he went, he looked up, and the crew was standing there, agape. When he looked again, they were all running away, so he kept going. You can see the flames and smoke billow up

Many times, but I still want to see the original.

I read the same one. The numbers have maybe changed a little since then, but not much.

I still have not seen that but will.

I would say, no more so than literally any romantic comedy, so, you know, let us have our foibles, as they are if anything less silly.

Send a list, please. I want to see these.

I think that you argued for your… anti-point, as we both would have gone to the theatre to see the latter awesomely name film which now owes you royalties.

Seriously? Puddles against an ocean? You seem like someone who gives a fuck. You won. Turn that eye upon this administration. If I am right about them and you, you will end up sadly agreeing with me. If not, you win. Fair?

Oh, Jesus. And the many, many anti-Hillary t-shirts, etc. were not proclaimed proudly? You know what, I truly apologize for the "bitch" insult, as I am sick of the assholetry on here, especially my own, but one tiny thing on one end is not equivalent to the constant assault on the other. You are right, both are

Whether or not I agree with you, you are light years above the average.

Oh, one and a half percent. Better Klan meeting next time, bitch.

This film deserves many more words. We will read them.

Him and Daniel Craig, playing a wounded animal in a tuxedo. What guy does not want to think of himself that way?

You are not alone, brother.

I love that shoot the pontoon with the spear gun and water ski away sequence. It made perfect Bond sense.

Oh, so that it was about, and not good governance. Better luck next time, to your significant other and global warming. If you had some self esteem, you would have voted differently. Have a drink before you respond.

I do love me some License to Kill, which underwent a Revenge of the Jedi name change, because 20% of Americans did not know what revoked meant.

Or is it like every John Woo film, displaying the hidden unity of cops and criminals, such that they have more in common with each other than with the rest of us? Is our gentle reviewer choosing the films for each year that should win in his opinion but are not the ones that would have been chosen if we had voted

I support any reference to Le Samourai. And, I am up at 2 am.

Does it bug us the most that so little rides upon conviction and competence when compared to mood, whim, and who fucked who when?