AVClub Med

= the math that I just did. The tiniest sway would have given her the electoral college. It would have been just as wrong, under those circumstances, for her to claim a mandate.

The flippant memorized response has gone on for longer. If you do not like the press, work for a real newspaper with professional reporters who give a fuck and make it better. It is as important as any part of the government and pays less. I would support a tax credit for any American to pay for any actual


Wow, our speech patterns are identical, with the use of grotesquely and clown car. In another reality, I could have called you friend.

I prefer "I love you". Ruins a lot of first dates.

Honestly, if just one voter out of one hundred thought that she would look weak running the country from the office where her husband got blown behind her back and various foreign leaders (Putin) had that in the back of his (mostly his) head, wouldn't that be enough to tip these oh so close scales? Can we discount

Oh, you were serious. Wrong about what? Your own numbers tell you that neither side had a landslide or was likely to get one, so I do not know what you are saying. Tony Snow from Fox News became the White House Press Secretary for the Bush administration, which was without precedent, and no one even noticed a

So…? Not a landslide in either direction, with two deeply flawed candidates. I choose the rational adult with the nuclear button and no history of race baiting to win. A random rational adult Republican, like Ryan, who I did not agree with but who did not worry me on a fundamental adult level, I could live with.

Oh, you were serious. Go ahead and trust random conservative websites as gospel, but somehow the New York Times (under constant, pounding scrutiny by everyone, everywhere) is somehow biased crap. Neither party this time was going to get a landslide; a 1% flip in votes across the board would have given Clinton over

Less than two percent by either party does not equal a landslide, no matter what the electoral results say. I would say that by its very nature, the media is supposed to be "left wing" in the sense of always questioning whoever is in power. As for your math, I honestly do not know what you are trying to say. Trump

I judge ideas by the company that they keep.

Betting on Hitler in 1933 does not make you employable. Most places.

So, go work for him in a job where your future is entirely in his hands as a fair human being and your unpleasant news to him will not get you fired.

Hey, I will cop to every Hillary Clinton argument that you can make, if only for the sake of argument. I will cop to every liberal who forsook their beliefs to criticize someone's spouse who was in no way actually involved in politics. I will cop to anyone pointing out corruption in politics, as it is invested in

Ann Coulter could respond in kind, and yet it would still be crap. You are not a racist xenophobe, you just happen to vote like them.

I cannot possibly argue with that and win.

Oh, I totally agree with you - it was totally winnable through conventional means. It was also totally losable through racist/sexist means, the margins were so thin. We are looking at just one million or a little more voters flipping, and I totally understand their frustration, just not the course that it took. If

Top ten best off the cuff responses ever.

Orange Pekoe?

C'mon. You kind of did.