AVClub Med

It does not take that many racists and sexists to tip this election the way that it did. Just 1% flipping across the board from Trump to Clinton (2% overall swing) = she wins easily in the electoral college. Just a nudge did it. Whether or not the voters were racists or sexists, they sure were willing to tolerate

I never took to Galifinakis the way that other people did.

Thank you!

Can we get a clip of "Frodo Don't Wear the Ring"?

I would like a tax credit for Americans subscribing to an actual newspaper.

Then again, Black Sunday got to use logos and game footage and try to kill people at the Super Bowl. I am no longer seeing a pattern.

I found the fake NFL teams distracting; it was impossible to ignore that we were in an alternate universe (or the USFL). I guess they guard their brand that much. Against All Odds had to make up a football team that was an obvious reference to the Raiders, but they got to mention the Miami Dolphins by name.

No movies anywhere? We might get him back at anytime. The gang moved on from Malibu and could not leave a forwarding note, or that crazy guy from the boat might find it.

That is one thick wall.

They never really dealt with all the dead bodies (except the one place where Mike is left in a body bag, with an epitaph scrawled on it that I want to use for me), so I do not think that they will stick to that logic that you pointed out. I also think that they just want to keep it open in case Jason Sudeikis's


How are not about to have another giant whitewashing storm set off?

Seriously? Fabrikant? Sounds like the term that Ridley Scott rejected before settling on Replicant.

It is just a separate classification: "spree killer"

The Corleones and their nonfiction ilk.

Yes; that was a completely hypothetical example of an American who also was known for his folksy good humor.

Never having heard any of the whispers about him for decades, I was as surprised as anyone. Like finding this out about Mark Twain.

Those things! I forgotten about those, and I do not recall every knowing what they were called. Time fillers when we had done everything else and the teacher was busy.

I hope the impact is that other women are willing to come forward earlier about some other person who we do not yet know about. Sadly, they may have strength in numbers, since there will be a whole bunch of other women attacked by the same person.

Not that I am disagreeing with you, but I do not think that anyone anywhere could fix Syria right now; the pain is going to go on there for a while.