AVClub Med

Being good a bricklaying or wrought iron is far more employable than a degree in anthropology.

I had to admit, the easy chair/toilet would be a real timesaver.

Been happening to me, too, but that has also happened to me in the past then worked again.

That would be SNP, and people might call them the SNiPs, which is bad for marketing.

Nice summary.

I agree, hence starting with the Well…

Yeah. That was the clincher for her?

Well… I doubt that Dan Brown is too terribly upset about his life.

Um. How many more Dan Brown novels are out there? I honestly thought that there was just the one.

I lived through this. It was an abject failure. 30 years + abject failure does not equal it somehow was not an abject failure. Nice callout in Titanic, though.

I think the equation is: you hate the show enough to post about it, you may tune in to get your expectations trounced again. No such thing as bad press, etc. People no longer posting about it would worry the producers more.

For wanting to see payback against Negan.


"The coldest winter that I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco. Which explains your nipples."

What is the process when a film has to be remastered only from a print edition? How comparable are the results if the negatives still survive?

I think that they would be remiss if they did not. Hard to find a reviewer on their staff to take it seriously.

Yeah. That regime most definitely employed anthropologists who willingly gathered "data" to prove that various groups were inferior. But, Darwin did not draw the line, which you already knew.

Samuel L. Jackson is the who.

The lighting and sound editing were good?

Yet, I hate that I even know their names, as it means that they in some small way got what they wanted.