AVClub Med

I suspect that is generally true, though; the quest for a sophomore meme to prove that the first one was not a fluke.

I'll be at Starbuck's

'tis true

I like most of the sketches, love some, and wish that the filler would go away; the street interviews are nothing special, her stand-up bits are passable transition to set up the next bit, and the interviews that appear at the end are just boring. I would rather that she condense down the number of episodes and

that can be exchanged for goods and services

British Marine = Superhero = she does not have a drop of self-esteem = oh, I get her act now.

Yeah, probably. What's your point?

Never could stand this book. It was the illustrations, I think.

Hmm. I see. So, Shoot 'Em Up would score a 10 on this scale? I would have to choose Raiders as the sillier in that sense, as most of the violence in The Road Warrior, except for Toadie's fingers going a flying, was meant to be serious. No strong man wanted to fight Max for the simple joy of fisticuffs.

What was his imperial stance on Rice-a-Roni?

Yeah. It seems like there was no way for the Nazis to use it and plenty of damage to them that it would have done whenever they tried.

I am guessing that you did not have to look that up.

For number of viewings from me, I have to choose Predator, but that is a tough field. 1988 will be far less difficult to choose.

Nor the British government of Egypt, allowing the German Army to operate in their territory.

I had forgotten that Das Boot was this year; man, that really should be in the conversation with these three films, unless it is being classified as a war film just to trim the field.

Where it then melts Hitler's face.

I love them both, but I give RW the nod.

Certainly, all of the Nazis were white, but that was their thing. Also had John Rhys-Davies playing Egyptian.

I have loved fireplaces ever since.

Except for Toadie and the Gyro Captain, the Road Warrior did not go for much comedy, but theirs mostly came out of their messed-up personalities. Raiders went for some overt comedy, like shooting the sword guy, the ending in the warehouse, the non-explanation of the submarine trip, etc,